Chapter 11

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Taehyung's POV

"Why're you sitting in the street, crying while wearing bunny ears?" He questions, letting his fingers lightly graze over the pink fluffy ears. "J-Jungkook!" I wail, hating myself for being in this state and especially in front of the school's notorious playboy.

Jimin sighs, taking a seat beside me. I take note of his appearance. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of grey sweats and a white tee. "Let me guess, you finally realised just how much of an ass Jungkook actually is?" His tone sounded playful and honestly, it bothers me even more. "Just go away!" I snap, not wanting to be in his presence. "Wow, I was gonna suggest something to you but if you're gonna be like that..." he mumbles yet doesn't make a move to leave.

I fold my arms across my chest, hoping that he'll leave sooner or later but he doesn't. "Aren't you g-gonna l-l-leave?" I murmur angrily with a slight stutter since I was only now beginning to sober up from my teary state. "And leave a poor, defenceless little bunny out here to get hit on?" He mocks shockingly. "Aren't you curious to know what I have to say?"

My head turns away from him, not wanting to listen anymore. 'Though I am a little - just a smidge interested in what he has planned.' I gnaw on my lower lip, debating on whether I really should allow him to proceed on or remain silent.

After some thought, I guessed that it wouldn't hurt anyone to listen into what he has to say. "Alright," I sniffle, swinging my legs to the side to face him. "What's your plan?"

A smirk dances on his lips as he utters the next few words I would have never imagined hearing from him in my life...



















"Sleep with me?"

I sat dumbfounded, a small tinge of pink crosses my cheeks as I glance away from him. "No way!" I bark, disgusted by his words. 'But then, why am I blushing?'

The tangerine haired boy roars with laughter, holding onto his stomach to keep himself balanced. I frown, not really understanding how this was funny. "I'm only kidding," he wheezes, wiping a tear away from his eye from laughing too hard. I grumble under my breath, annoyance radiating from me. 'Where the hell is Yoongi?! He shouldn't be take this long?!'

"Sorry mate but you aren't my type." He continues, only knocking down my self-esteem even more. "K, thanks now." I mutter, wanting him to leave. I keep scanning the road for Yoongi's arrival but obviously he drives like a snail, either that or he's lost again.

"Okay for real now, my proposition is that you should date me." Once again, I find myself frowning, "what? Why?" He rolls his orbs, "so we can both get revenge on Jungkook. You can make him jealous and regret ever cheating on you and I get to rub it in his face."

I squint my eyes at him, my orbs turning into slits, "is that really the only reason?" He nervously chuckles, "well that and I need a pretend boyfriend so my parents will get off my back and let me play baseball again." I purse my lips, 'am I really that desperate to actually agree with a playboy to be my boyfriend?'

"I'll think about it," I state, noticing Yoongi's car coming to a halt. I quickly jump to my feet, afraid that if I don't get in the car fast enough then the blue haired shorty will come out and beat Jimin for being within a specific radiator of me.bI sprint off to the car, almost loosing the bunny ears that were still happily sitting over my chocolate coloured hair. When I get inside Yoongi's car, the instant rush of heat hits me. I sigh in relief, glad to be finally warming up. I could feel Yoongi's intense stare on me, "so...I have a few questions..." he states, making me nervous.

I gulp, "go on?"

"First, what's with the bunny ears? Do I even wanna know? Second, why was Jimin sitting with you, of all people? And third, I swear I will beat your ass because I'm pretty sure this is Jungkook's street...wait scratch that, I'm away to beat his ass instead." The end of his sentence came out as a hiss.

"It's best not to ask, he just randomly appeared and please don't. I've had enough of Jungkook for one night." I count off each finger while answering him. He sighs, "lets just hope your parents are asleep. I know for a fact they'll have a heart attack if they seen you wearing...that." He points at my outfit, even though it was now hidden under my long coat.

While Yoongi drives me back home, I snatch off the bunny ears, take off the socks to replace them with normal ankle ones and shove on a pair of red shorts that hug against my thighs. "At least they can't ask questions now." I hum, making Yoongi chuckle lightly.

When he parks right outside the two story house, he shifts in his seat to look at me. "Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it?" I shake my head, "not today. I think I need a few hours sleep before even remotely trying to grasp what I saw." The blue haired boy leans over, pulling me in for a tight hug. Yoongi wasn't really the affectionate type, only to Hoseok and I. "Night Tae, I'll come pick you up for school tomorrow?" He suggests and I jump at the offer.

"Night Yoongs." And with that, I exit out of the car. My socked feet steadily walk up to the door, opening it slightly ajar so that I can creep inside.

I was already half way up the stairs when I feel my body collide with another. I panic, thinking it's one of my parents but reality was, it's only Namjoon. "Oww! What the fuck!" He growls and I shush him. "Are you crazy?! My parents are sleeping!" I silently bark. He rolls his dark orbs like I'm the stupid one. "They aren't even in, they called earlier saying they'll be home late. This just proves you weren't even in the house, so where were you?" He inquires, obviously wanting an answer.

"None of your damn business!" I snarl, stomping towards my bedroom door. "Was it to go see that boyfriend of yours?" I freeze at his cold words. Namjoon continues, I could practically hear him smirking. "I wouldn't trust that dude, he seems sketchy. Like one of those guys who'll break your heart."

I found it odd hearing those words coming out of Namjoon's lips but chose to ignore it. "He already has..." I whisper, barely audible for even myself to hear. "What did you say?" Namjoon question from behind but I simply shake my head.



Author's Note

Double update because I'm nice. 😂☺️

Poor Taehyung though. 😞

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