Chapter 19

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Jungkook's POV

My head throbs as I awake in a rather brightly lit room. I wince at the ugly shade of white, blinding me as I try to sit upright. My fingers trace the small bed I'm currently lying on, realising exactly where I am.

What surprises me more is that Taehyung is here, sitting in the chair beside the bed. He seems just as taken back as we both stare at each other. No words were uttered yet the intensity of our gazes says it all. Taehyung is the first to break the eye contact and I can feel my heart shattering. 'Oh how I miss him so much; his smile, his laugh, his voice, his touch. Everything.' But I was selfish, I caved into my horny ways.

The brunette beside me wasn't really into that stuff as such and we only had sex about three times. We were each others firsts but the need was strong in my body, the countless nights I would be up with raging boners because of how lonely my body felt. I love Taehyung, I really do but at the same time I'm hormonal.

Weakly, I try to reach out to touch his hand that lay on his lap but a loud bang of the office door opening, stops me. I hold in a scoff, watching Park walk his ass in here like owns the damn place. 'Who the fuck does he think he is!?' What's worse is that he stops directly beside Taehyung. "Ready to go?" He questions him, not even taking notice that I'm wide awake. 'Go? Go where?! Why would he be leaving with him?!?'

Taehyung seems to be in a world of his own, none responsive to Park's question which causes me to smirk. But it's quickly wiped away the minute he puts his grubby hands on my Taehyung. He grabs his hand, waking the younger from his daze. "Oh Jimin, I didn't see you there." He squeaks, his cheeks turning a crimson hue as he stares down at their interlaced fingers. I frown, my brows furrowing into each other in a mixture of sadness and confusion. 'Why is he acting so shy? Why are they holding hands?! They can't possibly be together right?! I mean we just broke up!'

My eyes turn into slits as Park begins to walk Taehyung out of the room. He briefly turns, giving me that stupid, ugly smirk that he's always wearing. I tighten the grip I have on the bed sheets, bearing my teeth in disgust. 'Mark my words Park! I'll win Taehyung back if it's the last thing I do!!'

Taehyung's POV

"Where the hell are we?" I question, unbuckling my seatbelt. I take in what appears to be some sort of warehouse with a raised brow. "Have you brought me here to die?" I tease, glancing at Jimin who also gets out of the car. "Maybe," he cockily taunts, sauntering his way towards the entrance. I shuffle behind him, gawking at everything in view. 'What the hell is this place?'

We enter inside and as expected, it looks just like an abandoned building. "My parents are home today so we can't go there, we still have to figure out the whole rules behind this relationship." He states, making me scoff. "Alright, first of all, this is definitely a 'fake' relationship."

"Why? Do you not like me?" He flutters his lashes in a mocking manner, obviously enjoying the fact that he can bother me so much. I simply let out a humourless sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. "Knock it off, this is serious."

"I know, how could someone not fall for me." He mutters while rubbing his chin in confusion. 'He seriously loves winding people up, doesn't he.'

"Anyway, rule two, when we're at school we must act like a couple. That means holding hands, walking each other to class, kissing." His lips curve at the end of his sentence, making my eyes widen. "Wait what?! Eww, no I'm not gonna kiss you!" I stick my tongue out in disgust like someone had just forced me to eat something revolting. "I'll have you know I'm a great kisser," Jimin slyly admits, coming close so that his head is only a few centimetres away from mine. I shove him with as much force as I could, creating some distance while I hear him chuckling. "Get away, you might give me some of your STD's."

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