Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

My head whirls round towards a boy with bright orange hair. "Jimin?" He smirks, sauntering towards me. "Nice seeing you alone for once. Your dumb boyfriend's always around you."

I frown at his words, "we're not always around each other."

"Oh really?" He questions, raising a brow. He moves closer; too close for my liking. "So what brings you here?"

"Well not that it's any of your business..." I mutter before lifting the gift bag up, "but it's Jungkook and I's anniversary next week!" I squeak happily.

Jimin stares at me for a few moments, a strange emotion flashes across his orbs before he looks down. "You know, Jungkook isn't all he seems to be." I frown, "of course you would say that! You're his enemy after all!" I state, spinning on my heels to leave.

Though that didn't stop Jimin as his hand encircles around my shoulder to twist me back to face him. "Listen to me Taehyung, I'm trying to help you." I glance at his hand still on my shoulder, flicking it off like it was dirt. "You don't even know me, why would you try to help me?" I murmur, a confused look in my eyes. He's silent for a minute, "you're right. Whatever hurts you ain't my problem." He begins to walk off while I stand dumbfounded. 'What the hell was all that about?' I stare at his retreating back, watching as he heads over towards a group of girls sitting at the food court area.

I roll my eyes, 'typical.'


"Taehyung!" I pause my game, shuffling on my bottom towards my bedroom door to open it. "Yeah?" I shout back, waiting for my mom's reply.

"Get ready, we have guests tonight!" I wince at the thought of having to be sociable. "Who's coming?!" I question, rolling on my side over towards my walk-in closet. I was being the definition of lazy, sue me.

I hear my mom's footsteps coming up the stairs as she walks past my door to reach her own bedroom. "You'll see." She smiles before shutting my door over. I huff, annoyed that she never tells me anything, she just likes to throw me in the deep end.

I chew on my inner cheek, taking in each piece of clothing that was hung up. Licking my lips, I decide to go with a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt with white buttons on it. All it was, was dinner in my own home. I only had to make somewhat of an attempt to look nice.

After changing my clothes, I move towards my full length mirror, taking in my appearance with a smile. I fix my hair, fluffing it out a little before exiting out of my room. I flop down the stairs, and towards the kitchen where I find my dad finishing up any last minute preparations.

"Hey son," he smiles. I watch him takes some cutlery into the dinning room that was through the archway. I follow behind him, taking a seat in one of the heavy chairs while he places each fork and knife out in front of the leather chairs.

I prop my elbows onto the table, my cheeks sitting against my palms. "So how was school today?" My dad questions, finishing up before looking at me. I shrug, "s'ok I guess." He raises a brow, "you guess?" I nod, "it's nothing. Anyway what's all this dinner about?"

He keeps his mouth sealed shut for a while, "it's best to just wait and see, Taehyung." My dad says, a serious tone in his words.

I go quiet, realising how important this is. My dad was more of a goofball than serious so whenever he would get this way, I instantly know it's crucial.

The doorbell rings, bringing me back to my senses. "That'll be them now! Can one of you answer the door?! I'll be down in a minute!" I hear my mom shout from the top of the stairs.

I sigh, getting out of my seat to answer the door. My heavy footsteps are the only thing heard as I make a move towards the coffee coloured door with a black, shiny, round handle.

I twist the handle, pulling it open to reveal...


Author's Note

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