Chapter 18

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Taehyung's POV

It feels weird, coming to watch a practice and not be rooting for Jungkook. What's weirder is that I'm here for Jimin, the Park Jimin. The very one who's known to sleep around and probably has some form of STD's by now.

Still, I agreed to 'pretend' date him. Even if we aren't 'official' yet, we will be at some point in the near future and the more I think about it, the more I wonder if this is really a good idea. 'What will I honestly gain from doing this? Besides hurting I even want to hurt him?'

"Look Tae! There he is!" Hoseok taps my shoulder before pointing out to the field where practice is being held. I glance up in time to see Jimin take to the batter's box. It just so happens that Jungkook is the one pitching. My lips feel dry as I wet them with my tongue, feeling a new sense of anxiety sink in. Sitting here right now while watching my ex and my soon to be fake boyfriend isn't something you see everyday.

Jungkook's eyes suddenly trail away from glaring at Jimin and instead, his brown orbs meet mine. The world around me instantly stops as my heart quickens in beats when I see the small smile begin to creep up on his lips. It's as though my mind forgot completely that Jungkook and I are no longer dating. Before I know it, I'm raising my hand and waving in his direction. Jungkook too, waves back, his lips now forming into a wide grin.

"Oh, hey Taehyung!" Jimin yells from behind Jungkook, his arms in the air and gesturing towards me. He gave me a knowing look to stop what I'm doing, making me realise how stupid I am.

The ravenette brings his movements to a halt, glancing behind at Jimin with wide eyes. He then stares back at me, registering the fact that I'm now giving Jimin my full attention. A prominent frown enters his face as he gawks at me with sadness. It broke my heart to watch but at the same time, he made me feel that way too. If he didn't cheat then we would still be together right now.

The couch muttered something towards the boys. Unfortunately, I was too far away to hear but I guessed he was saying something about their gameplay. Jungkook gets ready to throw the ball, a look of determination clear in his eyes as he glares down a smirking Jimin.

I can't help but grab onto Hoseok, who's sitting beside me, the minute Jungkook lets go of the ball. I've always found watching others play sports rather intense, I'm not entirely sure why...'maybe because I know them and I don't want them to lose?' While I'm busy in my own world, I barely catch sight of Jimin swinging his bat back and smacking the ball just when it's within reaching distance. The round object flies through the air, almost getting lost due to the blazing sun above. I have to shield my eyes in order to see properly as I spot it soaring to the other side of the park.

"Excellent work Park!" Couch yells at his son while the orange haired boy jogs round the bases, getting himself a full home run. His team cheer for him as he walks around with that smug looking smirk he always seems to wear.

Yoongi - who was sat beside him boyfriend - scoffs, folding his arms over his chest with a look of annoyance. "Why am I even here? I hate both of these guys! Taehyung," he turns to me. "You're too good for either of them. Come on, lets go!" He suggests, getting up from his seat. "Babe, sit your fine ass back down." Hoseok sternly speaks, without even sparing a single glance at his boyfriend. "Okay," Yoongi instantly says, planking his butt back down because he doesn't want to upset Hoseok.

I giggle, finding their relationship cute. It might seem like Hoseok doesn't care for Yoongi but the reality is, he does. He just doesn't care for Yoongi's overly dramatic side, that's all.

We continue to watch, having odd chatter here and there. My eyes would roam towards Jimin every so often, observing how happy he looks when playing. It almost warms my heart to see this side to him...almost.

Jungkook however, seemed less pleased today. His gaze was constantly trained on the ground, refusing to glance anywhere near me for once. 'Guess that makes the two of us then.'

"So Tae?" Hoseok catches my attention as I face away from the field to instead, look at my friend. "Yeah?" He gives me a closed lip smile though I can tell he's fighting an internal battle over whether he should ask or not. "I know I shouldn't prey into things, you can tell us when you're ready but I can't help but be curious. Why did you break up with Jungkook? And why the sudden change of heart towards Jimin?" I panic, I haven't exactly explained myself just yet to my friends about the whole 'Jungkook's a cheater thing' just that we broke up and don't want to talk about it. 'How the hell can I tell them that both Jimin and I made a pack to fake a relationship so that I can get back at Jungkook and he can get back on the baseball team.'

I bite my lip, slowly letting it escape from between my teeth. I'm about to reply to Hoseok's question when a sudden loud commotion comes from the field in front. The players all crowd around someone, whispering among themselves. I get to my feet, trying what best I could to get a clear view of whoever it is laying against the grass.

To my surprise, it's Jungkook. Without completing thinking things through, I sprint down the bleachers, almost toppling head first into the dirty ground as I scramble to get to his side. My knees drop to the floor as I take a seat beside him, shaking his shoulders, "come on Jungkook! Wake up you stupid asshole!" I yell, frantically looking around at his teammates. "Well? Don't just stand there! Help me!" Soon, he's taken away to the nurses room. Turns out he got accidentally knocked out by one of the new recruits who let go of his bat and managed to strike Jungkook in the head.

My feet begin to take me towards the nurses room when a hand stops me, gripping onto my forearm with a firm yet not too hard clutch to the point that it would hurt me. I spin back to see Jimin staring at me with a look of 'don't even think about it.'

"I can't help it!" I whine, "I'm still in love with him!"

"Taehyung, this is what he wants. Fair play, he didn't mean to get knocked out but you running after him now will prove to him that he's won." Jimin states, shaking his head in the process. "You promised to do this plan with me, we'll even be announcing it soon to the whole school, you just need to give it time to make it look real. And if you go running after him, it's definitely going to prove that you can't stand on your own two feet without him."

To say I'm shocked by Jimin's rant would be an understatement. I'm surprised to say the least, never taking Jimin to be an advice giver. Though I hate to admit it, he's right. If I go running now then its like Jungkook's won. "Come on, I'll drive you home and we can talk more about our plan." He suggests, sliding his hand down to hold my hand instead.

I knew it would be asking for a lot but, "can I at least go make sure he's okay? Just a quick look and then we'll go." Jimin sighs but nods his head anyway, "just a peak. I'll go quickly grab my stuff and then we're going okay?" I agree to his words, making my way back to the bleachers where both of my friends are now standing in front of, my bag in Yoongi's grasp. "What the hell is going on?" He grumbles the minute I snatch my bag away from him, muttering a quick 'thanks.'

"Jimin's giving me a lift home, I'll see you both tomorrow. Bye!" I yell as I sprint away from them, hearing Yoongi's confused yet pissed off voice from behind. "What the? Tae! I swear to God you better not go home with that manslut!!" I chuckle at my best friend before jogging in the direction of the nurses office. 'I'm just checking to make sure he's alright. There's nothing wrong with that...right?'

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