Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV

I huff, taking the stairs two at a time. I was furious by what Jimin had just told me, 'of course he would be sprouting lies about my boyfriend, he hates him!' My breathing was rugged so I take a moment to try and calm myself down. There was no use getting worked up over something that isn't true.

There was only two minutes left till fourth period so I leisurely take my time walking to class. I couldn't stop the continuous words play in my head over and over again like a broken record.

"Lets just say once a cheater, always a cheater."

'Jungkook isn't a cheater...right? I got over these scares years ago so why get so worked up now?' I kept contradicting myself, frightened that maybe, just maybe he really was cheating. Yoongi had said the same thing before too which doesn't put me at ease. 'Am I just being too naive?'

The eruption of the bell frightens me back to reality. I was glad I was in reaching distance of my classroom as I sprint off towards it, not being in the mood to deal with the crowds.


"Tae, you've been acting kinda down lately." Hoseok points out. It was currently lunch time and Jungkook had baseball practice which meant I could go sit with Yoongi and Hoseok instead.

Like I've stated before Yoongi hates Jungkook. He refuses to be within ear distance of the younger. So because of that, I would often sit with Jungkook for lunch unless something came up like he had practice or was sick, then I would go sit with my friends.

It didn't bother any of us too much. I often hung out with them after school or any other time I could find anyway, keeping my friendships and relationship as far away from each other as possible.

"I'm fine." I mumble, still thinking over what Jimin said earlier. 'How would he even know if Jungkook was cheating on me anyway? Why am I getting so bothered about this? I should know my own boyfriend better than his enemy.' I stare down at my food, no longer feeling hungry. The others notice this as I pass my food towards Yoongi. "Oooh free food!" He grins, making a snatch for it but Hoseok is quick to stop him. "Don't be a greedy little shit and eat the food I made for you. Tae, you eat your God damn food before I force you to."

I sigh, pulling my lunch back towards me before taking the tiniest bite out of my sandwich. "So did you get something nice for Jungkook then?" Hoseok asks and I feel the unsettling feeling of sickness sink in. I simply nod, not having the voice to speak.

My friends both gave each other concerned glances before staring back at me. Whenever it usually came to talking about Jungkook, I would get all excitement, practically jumping on the spot just thinking about the tall black haired male.

But today, I just wasn't feeling it. Today was just dragging on and I wanted it to just disappear. 'I'll just have to prove that everyone is wrong, that Jungkook actually does love me and isn't cheating.' I give myself a nod, agreeing to show everyone just how wrong they are about my boyfriend.


Author's Note

Sorry that this chapter is short, next chapter will be longer. 💖

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