Chapter 21

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Taehyung's POV

I anxiously swallow, licking my dry lips as I fumble with my fingers. Currently, I was sitting in the library, attempting to study but the knowing fact that lunch is in about 5 minutes only caused my anxiety to increase. My knee bounces as I tap my pencil furiously, the anticipation was suffocating me. I just couldn't believe I was going to openly admit to this relationship.

'God knows what Yoongi and Namjoon will say? Or Jungkook for that matter.' I know that once this information gets out, then everything changes.

The sudden ringing of the school bell snaps me back from my thoughts as I shakily place my books inside my backpack. "Taehyung?" A voice whispers from behind me, catching me completely off guard. I jump before spinning around to be pinned against the edge of the table by Jungkook.

His eyes burn into mine, taking in every inch of my facial features before his orbs slowly drop, loitering the most over my lips. I could feel the uncomfortableness building up, making me squirm under his grasp to try and break free.

The last thing I want right now is to be in Jungkook's arms. The feeling alone is enough to have me melting back into the palms of his hands and knowing that is enough to give me strength to shove him off. He must have loosened his stance as he stumbles back, his eyes wide. "Taehyung please don't do this! Don't push me away!"

I ignore him, marching my way out of the library with a saddened expression. 'This is so hard! God, why couldn't he have just stayed loyal?! Then none of this would've happened!' Pushing those thoughts aside for now, I hastily make my way to the cafeteria. Nothing but worry lingering in my stomach the second I push open the doors.

It was busy as usual, students from all different grades were around the room. I suck in a deep breath, catching sight of my friends sitting at our regular table. I'm about to head in the direction of them when something grabs at my wrist. I squeal, spinning around since I expected Jungkook to have caught up with me.

But to my surprise, it's just Jimin. I sigh in relief, placing a hand to my chest before glaring at the taller boy. "Hey! The fuck you trying to do?! Put me in a coffin?" He twists his face into a thinking expression, "hmm...nope, just wanted to hold your hand." He grins cheekily, causing me to glance away with slitted eyes and raging cheeks. 'Why do I suddenly feel shy?'

Wanting to get this over with, I begin to stroll towards Yoongi and Hoseok's table but Jimin stops me as his hand was still enlaced with mine, causing me to come crashing into him. "Oooh falling for me already," the orange haired boy teases. I grumble under my breath, shoving myself away from him. "You're such an ass!" I hisses, beginning to stomp away from him.

I hear him chuckling from behind, "you love my ass." I don't even bother answering him as I march my way towards my friends, Jimin trudging behind me.

If I was honest, I wasn't entirely sure how Jimin was going to announce our 'fake' relationship. He suggested to taking charge of the situation, not letting me know how he'll tell people just that it will be during lunchtime.

So here we finally are. Sitting in the middle of the canteen, waiting for the exact moment when the tea will be spilled.

"Urghhh, not you again." Yoongi mutters, glaring at Jimin with a look of disgust. Hoseok instantly whacks his boyfriend for being so rude, resulting in the pair to bicker quietly between themselves. This gives me the opportunity to lean into Jimin, whispering, "so what's your plan Mr Cassanova?"

"Patience my dear child." He playfully says back, testing my tolerance for him right in this very moment. And let me tell you, I'm losing the will to live with him around.

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