Chapter 16

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Taehyung's POV

"Listen Taehyung, it's easy. All you have to do is walk around while holding my hand." Jimin explains for around the fifth time now. Strangely, I was still coming to terms with the whole 'lets be a pretend couple' thing. 'Alright Taehyung, you've got this!' My hand slides into Jimin's, making the older smirk.

I wanted to slap him in the face, wipe off that stupid grin he always wears like he's unable to form any other kind of emotion. "This is gonna be fun," he chuckles as we make our way inside. Students were already gawking at us with both wide orbs and mouths open like it was something they would never dream of seeing. I suddenly become more self conscious, not enjoying all these eyes on me. Subconsciously, I squeeze Jimin's hand tighter, hiding myself more into his side. We had to make it seem like we've became closer, 'but why the hell do we need to hold hands to do that?!'

"Do you not think we're going a little too quick?" I whisper near Jimin's ear so that no one else can hear me. "Why? I'm enjoying this," he chuckles while nodding his head towards something across the hall. I peak over, taking in the fact that it's Jungkook, glaring at us angrily. My lips cave downwards when we walk right past him, letting me see his still bruised eye better. It wasn't as bad as the day I saw him in the cafeteria but it was still highly noticeable nonetheless.

I stare at him while we pass, this action alone causes an almost smirk to form on Jungkook's lips, obviously enjoying the fact that it was him not Jimin that I was giving all my attention too. Something swings my hand that was still encircled around another's. Instantly, I snap my attention away from Jungkook and instead at Jimin. He fakes an innocent smile at me, bringing me back to my senses. 'Shit! I almost fell right into Jungkook's trap!'

While I'm busy being deep in thought, I fail to notice the smirk slipping away from Jungkook's lips as it caves into a frown...or the fact that Jimin glanced back at Jungkook with a look of victory in his eyes.


Sadly, Jungkook happened to be in my 4th period History class. The lesson was going by at an agonisingly slow pace making my eyes droop every so often. It didn't help that Mr Jung was going into the deep fasciations about some war that had happen many centuries ago.

I couldn't stand the fact that Jungkook's desk was literally so close to mine. His dark orbs were constantly trained on me, waiting for the very minute when I would turn to stare back.

However, I never did. Instead, I continue to look ahead. Even if Mr Jung was being boring, I pretended like I was listening nonetheless. Something white flashes across my vision as it hits against my head. I try to not acknowledge it nor the being who threw it. Again, another one came, hitting me right on the side of my head before bouncing off onto the isle between the desks.

'Just ignore him Tae, class will end in...' I glance up at the clock near the door, taking in that it was precisely; 12:28pm. 'Only 2 minutes to go.' I thought, continuing to ignore Jungkook's failed pleads for me to look at him.

The bell soon rings, much to Mr Jung's disappointment since he said, (and I quote) 'we were just hitting the base of the good part.' Honestly, I'm not even sure why I picked this class. All I seem to do is nap in it due to the old and greying teacher yammering on about unnecessary information that wouldn't even be on the exam.

I yawn, quickly cramming my notepad into my backpack so I can get the hell out of there. My feet manage to make it over the threshold before something grabs me. Some part of me thought it might be Jimin since he has an odd obsession with manhandling me yet I knew fine well in reality that it wouldn't be him because his hands are more softer than the rougher ones that are currently engulfed around my bare wrist. I sigh, not bothering to spin round to check. I already knew exactly who it was and I wasn't in the mood for any of his drama right now.

"Taehyung please, I really didn't mean to cheat! It was a mistake!" He allegedly says yet again. I was getting tired of the constant, 'it was a mistake' or 'I didn't mean it.' All it was doing is hurting me more. "Just leave me alone. I told you, it's obvious that you don't love me." I whisper, not having the energy to fight him off today.

"Taehyung!" You will not believe how happy I am to be hearing that voice. My head peaks around Jungkook's head to see my cousin making his way towards me. 'But wait? Why is Namjoon talking to me? We're in school.'

Jungkook glances over to see the blonde haired male approaching us. "You!" He hisses, his eyes turning into slits. "Your that asshole who gave me this damn black eye!" I was taken back, 'Namjoon was the one who gave Jungkook that bruise?'

"Yeah, now if you're not wanting your other eye to look the same, I suggest you let go of him." He states darkly while pointing at me. Jungkook visible gulps yet his glare still remains on his face, "fuck off Kim! You have nothing to do with this!"

Namjoon smirks, snatching my arm away and taking a stand in front of me. "Let me remind you that Park will not be happy you touching his possessions."

'What the hell am I? A toy?!' I keep my mouth firmly shut however, not wanting to ruin the plan. Jungkook scoffs, "his possessions?! Taehyung isn't a toy."

'Well at least he's being honest on that one.'

Namjoon just simply chuckles, enjoying the rise he's getting from Jungkook. "Listen, fuckface." He growls, getting in his personal space now. "You talk to him," he lifts my arm that was still in his clutch ever so slightly, "and I will make sure you suffer worse than a black eye." His voice sounds so deadly, I almost cowered in fear myself.

Namjoon spins us around, practically dragging me down the hall till we're safely out of sight from Jungkook. What I don't expect is for my cousin to shove me into the janitor's closet before waltzing in after me. He made sure the door was securely locked before turning to me, an angry tone settling on his face while he crosses his arms over his broad chest. "Okay first of all," he states and I internally whine, hating how this is turning into a lectured conversation. "Why did you agree to 'pretend date' Jimin?" He grumbles and I whip my head towards him. "You know about that?" I question, shocked to hear that Namjoon was aware of the plan. He nods, "Jimin tells me everything, from secret plans to how many chicks he's fucked last weekend."

"Ewww! Too much information!!!" I squeal, scrunching up my face in disgust. Namjoon chuckles, obviously enjoying the torment he's bringing to me. "If I were you, I would give up on the idea. It's pointless anyway, Jimin's probably only doing this to get into your pants."

"Actually he's doing this so he can stay on the baseball team." I admit, not seeing why I should hide that form of information from Namjoon anyway. It's clear to me that Jimin tells him "everything."

The blonde haired boy rolls his eyes, "you're making a dumb mistake Taehyung. Jimin doesn't do 'dating' only fucking." I sigh, knowing fine well where this is going. "Look Namjoon, I'm not gonna fall for him. I could never love a playboy so if you don't mind." I state, slipping around him to get to the door.

"You'll be sorry," Namjoon mutters and I turn to face him. "I don't know why you even care? You never gave a damn about me before." The peroxide headed male shrugs, "I don't care. I just don't want to listen to you cry about someone who never gave a damn about you to begin with."

I will admit, that did hurt a little but I don't even like Jimin like that and never will. 'I'm just doing this to get back at Jungkook for hurting me, that's all.'


Author's Note

So it was Namjoon that punched Jungkook. Didn't see that one coming right? 😂😂

I love their cousin/sibling kind of relationship. 🙈🙈🙈

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