Chapter 26

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Taehyung's POV

I was in the midst of attempting to study, finding it extremely difficult when all my mind could think about was Jimin's soft lips against my own.

"Arghhh!" I groan out as I grab the sides of my hair and yank lightly on it to make sure I really am awake and not just dreaming. I cup my face, feeling the intensity of the burning sensation taking over my cheeks. 'Did it really happen? And why am I thinking about it so much?! It was just a kiss, something that people do everyday.'

I knew in the back of my head that I was being delusional, thinking too much into things. After all, Jimin's nothing but a playboy anyway so he's probably used to that kinda stuff. But then, I've only ever kissed one other person and that's Jungkook so having Jimin kiss me was definitely a surprise.

Deciding on giving up with the studying for tonight, I trudge my tired feet over towards my bed and land face first onto it. Once again, I moan louder, hating myself for being so caught up with my thoughts. I turn around so that I'm facing the ceiling, my back pressed against the soft fabric of my bed. I lift my left hand into the air as I stare at it while thinking, 'I wonder if Jimin is being affected by this too?'


"You know, you've kinda been off since last weekend." Yoongi murmurs, his orbs gawking at me like I'm some impossible puzzle to solve. I could even hear him faintly hum, scanning me from head to toe till Hoseok came along to join us, making sure to slap Yoongi behind the head. "You have a boyfriend, stop looking at other people like they're snacks." The elder mutters.

Immediately, I buckle over with laughter, watching as Yoongi gets all hot and flustered. He pouts, glaring at Hoseok while his face only get darker. "I wasn't! I only like you and you saying it like that makes me sound disgusting!!" He whines.

I was thankful that Hoseok had taken away the attention, finally allowing me to sigh in relief. Honestly, I haven't told anyone about Jimin kissing me. It felt almost embarrassing to admit it and not because I'm ashamed of Jimin or anything but more so his reputation. I would just be seen as another slut that he's banged to everyone else...'though I guess people already see me that way since we're dating.'

Speaking of Jimin, he never came for me this morning. He almost made me late if it wasn't for the fact that my mom offered to drive me. I found it a little strange but brushed it off that he might've forgotten or just slept in.

"Anyway, what the heck was up with that fuckboy of yours on Saturday?" Yoongi suddenly asks, catching me by surprise. "What do you mean?" I try my hardest to dodge around the situation, hoping to wiggle my way out without causing too much concern.

Yoongi grimaces at my words, glaring at me like I'm talking complete gibberish. "Don't act dumb Taehyung, you know fine well what I'm talking about." The elder grumbles, right as we reach my classroom. "Oh, look at that! It's my class, bye!" I over exaggerate, dashing off in the direction off the door.

The sky haired male didn't have much of a chance to comment as I vaguely hear him yell out my name but I'm already inside my class. I exhale, glad to have escaped but knew that by lunchtime, Yoongi would be expecting an explanation.

I begin walking towards my desk, glancing over towards Jimin's chair to see whether he was there or not but I came to realise that he wasn't there. My lips cave, wondering where the orange haired player might be. 'Maybe he's with some girl again...or a guy?' That thought alone caused a strange feeling to course through my chest, almost like someone is stabbing me.

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