Chapter 29

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Taehyung's POV

I tiredly drag my lazy body over to the lunch table before dropping myself down against the cold surface. The sound of my forehead connecting with the table makes a loud thud and a small buzz to form in my head but I don't bother about it.

Nor do I care about the current ongoing curious stares my friends were giving me. "So...wanna explain why you're being so grumpy?" Hoseok questions, keeping his gaze locked on my slumped over body while proceeding on with his lunch.

"It's obvious! That slut hurt him!! He's hurt my baby!!" Of course Yoongi couldn't stop himself from causing a scene, something he does so well.

I grimace at his words but don't bother to comment.

Yesterday was nothing but torture. I went home and just sat in my room, nothing but utter sadness enlaced in my frame.

I didn't cry, thankfully. I didn't want to cry over Jimin, he wasn't worth the tears.

"It's nothing, it's fine." I grumble, my words a little muffled due to my lips still being pressed against my arm in despair. 'I need to get Jimin back! I shouldn't be here dwelling over him like some pathetic baby!'

Right then I knew I had to conduct a plan of my own. With this thought in mind, I instantly sit upright in my seat, a grin now displaying itself on my face.

Both Hoseok and Yoongi jump at my sudden movements, a little disturbed by the unexpected suddenness. "What the hell was that?!" Yoongi barks, holding a hand over his chest in complete surprise.

"Huh?" I mumble, returning from my scheming to see my best friend staring at me with nothing but shock in his eyes.

"Oh," I chuckle, waving my hand to dismiss any problems that might be occurring in his mind right now. "It's nothing."

"Hmm?" The elder hums, watching me for a second longer before returning his attention back to his lunch.

I smirk quietly to myself, knowing exactly what I have to do.


He once again looks at the large building in front of us before back at me with a raised brow, "remind me again why I'm here?" Namjoon mutters, shoving his hands into his pockets in annoyance.

I sheepishly grin at him, tugging on his arm to follow me. "Urgh! Get your dirty hands off me!" He growls, shoving me away so that there's a safe distance between us.

I roll my eyes but continue on towards the store that I was planning on going to. I had to piece together a plan, a way of not only getting back at Jimin for what he did the other day but to help boost my own confidence more too.

I still couldn't get over how depressed it made me feel. I know I don't have feelings for Jimin, I made that clear in my mind and I'm sticking to it.

But it still makes me feel like shit when he goes off playing with other girls when he's supposed to be helping me.

So far, all we've done is caused a semi-uproar with the students at school over how a hot guy like Jimin could be with someone like me.

That, and also make Jungkook a little jealous but I don't really feel fulfilled with my actions. If anything, I feel sorta dirty. Especially after what happened yesterday. 'Now Jungkook will only see me as a slut, another one on Jimin's fuck list.'

I couldn't sit back and let my name be turned to dirt so I came to the mall to find the perfect outfit to put my plan for this weekend into attack.

Of course I needed the help from someone and since I couldn't tell Yoongi nor Hoseok about the agreement that Jimin and I signed or anything around it, I brought the only person who knew.

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