Chapter Twenty-Four

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I just feel like the song relates to the people and the story somehow. JOLT by Unlike Pluto


Blyke yelled and decided arguing was no longer an option. That it was pointless.

And he tossed Estelle over the edge.

"Fetch." He snarled.

The moment she was pushed over the edge everything seemed to freeze for a moment.


Nobody moved.

Estelle seemed to hover there for a moment, a gaping expression of shock and fear.

Terror filled his heart.

As she fell Percy didn't waste another moment before leaping in after her.

The thing he didn't realised when he did as much, was that his powers were almost completely drained and any of the Avengers that could do anything about it weren't here.

Percy gritted his teeth as a burning pain spread through his body as he summoned some of the water in his body and the air around him to use and propel himself forwards. It made him weaker as he fell, stretching his arms out to a tumbling Estelle. She was screaming as she fell.

He caught her by the ankle and with the last of his strength he threw her back upwards, against the force of the Pit and gravity. The last water he could summon went into the through to give her a boost.

"CATCH!" He practically screamed.

She wasn't going to make it!

While they'd been arguing, Hamish had managed to claw back to consciousness and crawl forwards. With a bow and arrow that nobody had cared to take notice of, he painfully strung it and knocked an arrow, setting it loose half blind.

It scared the shit out of everybody as it flew through the air and through the top of Estelle's shirt, pinning her to the rock face not far from the surface.

Steve cautiously climbed down, Natasha helping him and together they pulled a sobbing Estelle back onto level ground. She clung to them out of fear, crying Percy's name.

They watched helplessly as Percy spun down further into the Pit, the darkness claiming him and he vanished from view.

He was falling.


Over and over.


Maybe it will all end now?

If I die, would everything be over? Would they be safe?

Is this the end?

His mind was going, as was his vision, slowly losing consciousness.

And though he couldn't see it, somebody dived in after him.


Cats: choosing the most comfortable places to sit since five minutes ago.

Cats: choosing the most comfortable places to sit since five minutes ago

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Yes. That's my foot.

Off to the movies now,



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