Dipped into Stars

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Gina's POV

Checking my phone from the buzz, I seen a text from Remi telling me that I can come up now. I bit my lip in nervousness don't know what's going to happen. Stepping out of my car, I lock all the doors behind me and approach her porch hearing only the noises from the world. Her house was quite big and you can tell no one was home but her not that she's in there. Opening the door, I made my way up towards her room knowing where it was from my last visit. Her door was close so I knocked gently scared of what's waiting inside and when I mean scare not as in fear but as in knowing what could happen. 

"Come in." I heard her say but what came afterwards was what caught my attention barely able to hear it. "Calm down boy!"

Opening the door my eyes widen of what was in front of me but before I could say anything, I was knocked over in cover in licks of kisses. My laughter burst out between my lips as the rough tongue tickled my lips and as I felt his paws pounced almost everywhere on my body. 

"Kago!" I heard Remi shouted as her laugh came out as well trying to pull the creature off of me. "Sorry beautiful." 

Controlling my laughter, I got up catching my breath. Looking at the pair in front of me, the weird creature and Remi stood quietly in front of me as the dog like creature had his tongue out heaving. The creature reminded me as the creature off Lilo and Stitch as his purple fur felt smooth and comforting. His ear was big enough to hear anything a mile away it seems as his small bear like tail kinda look cute making me want to squeeze it.

"What is he?" I asked getting closer to the hyper creature who seems to already like me. Remi smiled as she seemed to actually relax since she seen me this morning. 

"I thought you'll be afraid of him but he's a zelfer." she said as she ruffled his fur gently.

"Zelfer?" I said confusing as I tilted my head continuing to stare at the creature. She seemed to tense up again as she looked around a bit. "What kind of breed is that?"

"You do have feelings towards me, right?" she said as if she was questioning herself with whatever she was about to say.

My cheeks of course went to the usually red coat that comes when I get embarrassed but it's true that I liked her. The moment I seen her, all I could think of is her caramel skin touching mine as mine touch her. "Yes but what's that have to do with anything?"

"Well it has to do with a lot of things really when it comes to me but there's certain things that must be kept secrets from you humans..." she said the word human as if she wasn't one but she continue. "but, I'll be going home soon to save my people and since you are my mate, I would love for you to company me."

My eyes widen of the words she was saying. "What do you mean, your people? Mate? Remi what are you talking about?"

"I'm an Elzorian but what you humans will call us are aliens." she said as I watched her face seeing no expression to tell me this was only a joke. 

"Stop joking Remi! You are no alien and this isn't funny." I said looking at her as if she was crazy but what I saw was hurt going through her face. "Remi... please tell me... aliens don't exist Remi."

I began to walk towards her but what I saw with my own eyes stopped me from moving any closer. Her beautiful caramel slowly turned into a more beautiful color of red and as if her body was dipped into stars. A long tail grew from behind her as her face features followed behind giving her the nose of a cat, big yellow bright eyes, and sharp ears. Her hair was the same but seem to be as if the hair was alive it self. Honestly, I couldn't peel my eyes away from her, my heart beat faster as if I knew this was her true form. My breath was caught in my throat as her beauty glowed from her making me want to go closer to touch her. I stepped closer but as if she was afraid, she stepped back a little making the zelfer creature whimper.

"Remi..." I whisper but I knew she heard as her ears twitched once I said it. In this formed for some odd reason it's like she looks more lonely and hurt then she was as human. She always acted weird and so... plain bout everything but not once did I even notice the loneliness or pain that's in those big yellow eyes. Looking at her only made me seen another me but before Clair came into my life and drawn me out it. Not even being able to control myself, I quickly stepped forward and stood on the tips of my toes to wrap my arm around her neck. I closed my eyes smelling the scent I love of hers. I know she's different but so are we and honestly it feels like I was destined to know but not sure why yet.

Her body tensed but quickly relaxed as I felt her arms wrap around my waist holding me close as if she might lose me if she let's go. "You accept me..."

I pulled away and looked at her admiring her beauty. "I mean... as long as you're still the sweet weird Remi I know then why not?"

She chuckled as I felt her tail wrap around us. "I'll always be that until you know my world."

My hands wander her toned red muscles as I admire ever star on her body. Once I got to her abs, I felt a... her belly button was pierce. Lifting her shirt it was a pure gold ring attach to a chain that pierced nothing but skin. No belly button was seen as I played with it getting a chuckle out of her. I looked up to see her smiling down at me with beautiful pure white teeth.

"You're so... beautiful Remi! The world would be amaze to see your body I bet." I said continuing to admire her but I felt her muscles tense knowing I said something wrong.

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