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My body tensed of what she said, the world was already after Katrina; no doubt if they know that I'm an Elzorian as well, if they don't already then they'll be after me too. My tail wrapped around us both protectively as I felt her worry grow.

"What's wrong Remi? Did I say something?" Gina said softly having her hand on my abdomen to calm me.

"Gina, the world is already after another one of my kind and as a royal I must protect her, they're not going after her pleasantly." I said as I watch her eyes wide with surprise. 

"There are more of you?" she ask looking me up and down.

"I have just meet her a few days ago but as far as I'm concern her and I are the only ones who walk Earth. The way my elzo has gone, I'm pretty sure they're are more." I said as I notice her confusion making me chuckle. "I'll have to teach you our sayings another time love but for now I need to speak to you of the endangerment that lie in our path."

"Our?" she said kinda of fearful stepping back. 

"Yes, my apologies beautiful but I must go back to the lab in order to make my way home from the pod in how I got here. Doing so will put myself in danger as well as you if the humans who are wanting to catch my friend and I figure out that you are my mate."

"You're serious about this aren't you?" she said sitting on the bed as Kago sat on her feet which made her smile. 

"I'm sorry but this is something not to play about, if you chose to not then I must leave quickly in order not to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" she said confusingly as pain flashed into her eyes. "I trust you Remi, please don't leave if you're only scared of hurting me."

I looked away as I seen the hurt in her eyes. "You do not understand ma love, as my mate and I as a royal will eventually have to mate in order to combine our souls that yearns for one another. Waiting to do so will make the souls impatient and I will eventually no longer have control of the urge to mate with you. Me doing so without the right state of mind will probably end up hurting you which is something I would not like to do."

She bit her lip as she hung her head low upsetting as I notice she began to play with her hands in her lap. "Re..."

Quickly our heads popped up facing my bedroom door as I hear the front door burst open and Gina quickly getting on her feet. My tail wave furiously as my senses heighten. Kago begins to bark furiously at the door as he stood guard by Gina. I don't know who's down there but I can not let them see me so I quickly began to disguised myself. "Kago protect!"

He barked in response as I knew he was going to protect her. I made my way out of my room slowly peeking down the stairs to hear for any kind of noise. I begin to hear many foot steps that sounded heavy and was no doubt coming from males. 

"Remi! I know you're here bitch!" I heard Brian's deep voice shout as he snicker with his friends which I know is with him. I then heard a crashing sound as if he hit something against glass. Making my way back to my room quietly, I closed the door slightly as Kago was still guarding the fear Gina. 

"It's just Brian so no serious danger love but we have to get out of here. No one must see Kago and know doubt they'll search my whole home to find me and since your car is parked out doors I know they know you're here as well." I whispered as I begin to grab a large duffel bag under my bed that held supplies for an escape route that my mothers and I set up a long time ago. 

"How are we going get pass them?" she ask as she begin to peak over my shoulder. 

"We'll have to jump out the window which will be no problem for me and Kago but for you... you'll have to be on my back. Humans are fragile." I said as I check that everything was in there and zipped it back up. Opening the window, I begin to hear more crashing noises. "Kago jump boy!"

Kago happily jump out the window and landes perfectly on his feet. Watching him, he look at his surrounding then bark to tell me it was clear.

"Alright hop on my back love." I said lowering my back a little to get her to crawl on but she stood their with fear. "What's the matter?"

"I... Remi why is he doing this?" she said very hesitantly. I stood and approach her silently holding her shoulders.

"I do not have a answer for that question but for my protection and as well as yours, we must act quickly." I said giving her a smile. With my good sense of hearing I heard their boots begin to stomp up the stairs. "Sorry love but we kinda have to go!"

Grabbing onto her tightly, I threw us out the window and lightly landed beside Kago on the wet grass. He barked rapidly at our window as I look up to see Brian and his friends faces angrily looking down at us.

"In the car!" We quickly ran to Gina's car as Kago followed jumping through the car's material landing in the backseat. I hopped into the drivers seat as she took the passenger side. "Where's the keys!?"

She began to look around as she pat herself down frantically. Her eyes slowly looked towards the direction of the upstairs room of mine. Under her breath I heard her sign as a curse flew out between her lips.

"Fuck it!" using a little energy, my eyes widen as the yellow in them brighten. From my fingertips, energy flows going into the steering wheel that I was holding tightly without realizing it. The car then roar to life just in time as Brian and his crew ran out of the front door of my home. Slamming my foot on the gas pedal, the car made it's way down the street.


Hey loves, sorry been so busy with this lame ass life I have I couldn't ever have time to update. Hopefully yu guys enjoy it bc I have been getting texts from you guys wanting me to update. Loves ya and I'll try to update as much as possible for now on. ❤❤❤

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