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Heading straight for the medical tent, Mo Yuans face was grim as he took in the hundreds of wounded who were lined up against the cold hard rock ledge waiting to be seen.  On the other side of the tent were his medical officers, some were sleeping, others were barely functioning as they did their best to close the wounds of the living and offer comfort to those who would not make it through the night.

Entering through the large open flaps, the sight and smell was horrendous.  But he was war hardened to the gaping wounds and hanging flesh that met him the moment he stepped through the entrance.  The sight outside was nothing compared to what met him now.  Rows upon rows of men of all ages and sizes had fallen, and those lucky enough to have found a bed within , were barely holding onto it, as the line outside grew with each passing second.

But no matter how hard his heart had grown used to the sight that met him, the sound always, always crushed him.  It was the sound of over a hundred souls begging for life and he never got used to it.

The war, was the one of the most brutal he had ever fought in and his enemy the most ruthless.  

Tengei.  Overlord of the Scorpions, the man was vicious and barbaric and what he was witnessing was proof of it.  Their history went back centuries to a time when they had once been brothers on Kunlun Mountain.  Taken in as a Disciple under his father, Tengfei had grown up alongside him and together they had found friendship regardless of their differences.  And the differences were vast.

The Scorpions were of the dark realms, and though they were considered untouchable, his father had taken the boy on as a Disciple in order to gain alliances with his tribe and their allies, thus bringing the dark lands to heel.

However, it was never going to last.  The dark realms were a law unto themselves and the Celestial Tribe along with his father had always been considered an enemy due to the amount of power he wielded over them all.

But they did see advantages of sending their child to train under their enemy, after all, knowing what they were capable of was always going to work in their favour in the end.   And now that he was the Overlord of an enormous tribe that had united every dark realm below him, the man was unstoppable.

Now standing in the middle of the tent scanning the entire room as the sweat continued to trickle down the sides of his face, he searched only for the blue silk robes.  Then seeing the one man that had sent him off the battlefield in a frenzy, his heart lurched as he raced across room to collapse at his side.

"Zhe Yan....." he whispered down at the swollen pale face.  

 The eyes were squeezed tightly shut as pain raked his body from the sting which was still embedded in his chest.

"Mo Yuan.... pull it out...." his thin voice whispered weakly.   Clutching at his bedding, Zhe Yans body trembled in agony from the venom that was slowly seeping into his system.  The scorpion sting was double barbed and removing it would be just as painful as its entry,  but as Mo Yuan scanned the tent for assistance, he realized how inadequately prepared they were.  There were only four medics in the tent and over a hundred wounded to care for.

With no choice but the pull the sting out, he took the large base into both hands and gripped it tightly.  To leave it in would be a definite death sentence.  

"Zhe Yan.  This is going to hurt." he said gruffly as his fingers tightened over the sting, then with all his might he pulled it out.  The soft sucking whoosh as it was removed from his open chest almost had him dry retching, but for his brother, he kept his head and immediately slammed his hand into the open wound.

Releasing a stream of healing energy directly into his chest, the scream was agonizing and tore at his own heart as he took in one of the greatest Gods ever to walk their world, writhing in agony below him.  

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