The Third War 2

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The scream from a Phoenix isn't any louder than the average scream, but the shock wave from it can render a man unconscious in seconds, and that was exactly what he was aiming to do even if he had to put her out with him.  He had only ever used that hidden weapon once, and that was during the Demon wars in order to give Mo Yuan the break he needed against their worlds most foulest of beings.  It did not render her unconscious because she too had been a Phoenix, but it did dis-empower her long enough for Mo Yuan to end her life.

Since her death, no other creature as revolting and despicable as her had ever come this close to angering him, but the sight of Tengfei abusing what he considered his person, was all it took for him lose his mind completely.

Only the moment he released his powerful inner weapon, then he literally saw it bounce off a wave of black energy that suddenly burst out towards him.  Swirling and undulating in the air around them, the powerful force from his scream not only bounced off it, but it ricocheted back at him, almost knocking him out.   To be hit with ones own magic could be deadly and had Mo Yuan not suddenly appeared before him to take some of the hit, he would have been killed on the spot.

It may not have had an affect on Tengfei, but it did get his attention.

Smirking, he turned his head slowly.  "Your powers are useless here, this is the seat of our energy, power and magic.  You cannot enter." he said as his eyes met Mo Yuans with an ice cold glare.  

Their eyes held for a brief moment, before his laughter erupted, then watching in horror, he then turned back to Bai Qian to continue where he had left off.

With his hands all over her body, he lowered his head to her neck and bit down hard against her soft flesh.  Drawing blood, he slowly ran his tongue up over the light trickle before stopping at her ear.

"It seems today will be my last day.  So since I must die, then I will die a happy man." he said grinning against the sudden surge of energy he could feel coming from her.  

He knew she had no ability to break free in that place because their Lands energy system was so powerful, not even Mo Yuan could break through the shield it raised when Zhe Yan released his inner weapon.  In fact, his mind had also gone back briefly to that war, and the Demon Goddess who was considered to be the most powerful of all the Gods.  But even she would not have been able to get through the barrier.  Though for years, he had tried to harness the energy for himself, to give himself the ultimate powerful weapon and though he could cultivate quickly in that space, he could not take more than it would allow.

Even though he was slowly gathering energy, he knew, the moment he stepped out through the barrier, he would still be too weak to deal with them much less a common foot soldier.  Outside that barrier, he would be as weak as she was.

 So returning to her lips, he forced his tongue into her mouth as the sounds of Mo Yuan and Zhe Yans attack on the barrier grew in intensity.

Throwing every manner of spell and powerful blast of energy at the barrier that he had at his disposal, nothing could break through it.  The sight of Tengfei taking liberties with an unarmed and defenseless woman was bad enough, but for her to be his own woman, had the anger in him reaching astronomical proportions.  Mo Yuans anger was without restraint and Zhe Yan could feel the heat pouring off him so thickly, that had he not been in Phoenix form, he would have collapsed from the sheer force of it.

When Mo Yuan angered to this extent, he was at his most dangerous but even though his anger had reached a point of no return, even that wasn't enough to break through that barrier that seemed to be getting stronger the angrier he got.

And if he wasn't angry enough, Bai Zhis temper which had also reached the same level of degree only added to the explosive thundering energy that both men were hurling at the thick swirling mass.  Behind them, the battle was almost on them,and with just a quick glance back, he saw The Empress throwing off dozens of soldiers in her own bid to reach them.

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