Seeds of Discord

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Taking her out stretched hands, Mo Yuan allowed her to lead him into the Battle Hall where his eyes remained firmly on Deishi who was not only grinning at him like a cat caught sneaking food off a plate, but there was a definite challenge in that gaze.

"Mo Yuan, come and look what we've been doing." she almost squealed excitedly as she led him to the centre of the Hall where the formations were still floating in midair.  

"And what exactly were you doing?" he asked smiling softly down at her.

Completely missing the barely concealed innuendo, she smiled back at him as Deishi moved towards them.

"Qing Qius Queen has given us the reprieve we needed." He said now fully back in his role as General while ignoring the sharp glare at his approach.

"Reprieve Qian Qian?" he asked as his head rose to take in the changes that had been made to the battlefield directly below the formations which were all in motion above it.

Not wanting to be the one to inform him of her generous offer, Deishi took it upon himself to explain the extra troops that had been added to the model, along with the use of all three formations which they could now use and with a an army of One Hundred Thousand in reserve, their position was now stronger than their enemy.

Instantly Mo Yuan flew into his role as War God, to go over the model and the placement of the soldiers that Deishi had rearranged in his absence.  And not only had he arranged the troops to take full advantage of the entire Battle field, but he had also placed two large contingents across the top of the low hills that surrounded one side, a side they assumed Tengfei would take.

"Why there?" he asked.  Mo Yuan was a righteous man, one who fought with bravery, a noble warrior, so to hide men behind his enemies flank was cowardice in his eyes, and he did not like it.  Deishi may have been a lot of things, but he too was no coward, so the move surprised him.

"As you know, Tengfei utilized the earth beasts that dwell below the hills and surrounding mountains, having men in place to deal with them, means we will not have to use our reserves should he surprise us unexpectedly with any other tricks he might have up his sleeve." he said as both men suddenly looked towards Bai Qian who was trying to smother a yawn only it came out sounding rather garbled.

Smiling in embarrassment, she shyly ducked her head down against Mo Yuans arm to hide the blush.

With a soft smile, his tender gaze held her own for a few seconds.  "Qian Qian, why don't you head back to the Hall.  Dinner is ready, I will come and collect you when I'm done here." he whispered softly against the top of her.

"Mmm." she nodded.  "Alright, then maybe we can take a walk, you've been gone two weeks." she said in an accusing tone, but smiling shyly at him and though finding her bashfulness endearing, he did not miss the sudden rush of heat hitting him from the side.

Ignoring it, Mo Yuan lowered his head to kiss the top of hers.  "Go on, I wont't be long." he said lightly stroking her cheek which only deepened the blush,  then giving her a gentle shove towards the door, they both watched as she made her way out the door leaving both men to discuss exactly what they had been doing before he entered.


Making her way into the Hall, Bai Qian was surprised to find Lijuan alone.  Lately Die Feng had been keeping her busy and she had been very grateful for it, as she found the girl to be rather flighty.   Conversations with her, required too much concentration in that several discussions could be going at the same time.  It was if her brain had no filter, everything and anything that went on in her head was blurted out of her mouth at once.

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