A Few Days Grace

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It took every spare minute of every day that Deishi had to go though the large contingent of Qing Qius recruits but he was beyond impressed with them.  Even the women had been trained to the same level as the men, but what really surprised him, was not only the enormous amount of horses they were bringing with them, but they too were trained.  His own horses were trained to cope with the noise of battle, and to even take a few hits without becoming skittish.  But her horses were also taught to fight back at anything that aimed to hurt them,.  Kicking, biting and stomping anything that bared its teeth or attacked it in any way, her horses could be considered a beast army.  They were also well protected with heavy armoury, especially around their necks, which was the main area a beast would attack.

In total she had forty thousand horses, and all would be used, though Deishi split them between her people and his own generals in order to spread them out.  So organizing half to be sent to the Celestial Palace, he prepared himself to follow.  News had arrived that his own men were now in full training and he needed to be there for it.

Heading towards Mo Yuans study for a final briefing the following morning, he happened upon Die Feng who was hurrying out of his chamber and looking the most dishevelled he had ever seen him.

"What happened to you?  The battle isn't for another two weeks." he said oggling the ripped robe, the scratch marks on his arm and the bite mark on his face along with a deep blush that spread across both cheeks.

"I uhh..... " he stammered before bowing low.   "General I'll just go clean up." he said thoroughly embarrassed to be caught in such a state, and by his own General of all people.  

But the sight of the Dragonfly exiting his chamber behind him, was all the answer he needed.  

"I see.  Well when you're done, meet me at the entrance.  I will be leaving in an hour." he said as he watched her walk in the opposite direction and looking very pleased with herself. 

"Yes General." he bowed again before making a hasty retreat to the hot pools.

Watching the girl turn the corner, Deishi was once again unsure of her, there was something about her that he didn't like.  That the boys were gallivanting with the opposite sex was of no concern, but he was not immune to the effect she was having on the young Disciples especially three in particular that he had seen alone with her.  Their grumbling was becoming louder and the last thing any of them needed was dissension in the ranks.  So deciding to talk to Mo Yuan about sending her elsewhere, he left to find him in the Hall preparing his older Disciples for a day trip to the Palace.

"Ahhhh Deishi.  You're ready to go?" he asked.

"Almost.  Are you coming?" he asked.

"No, I will remain here training my young Disciples.  The older ones however will assist you." he replied.

"Good.  I came to ask for Die Fengs assistance.  He can help with the horses once we get them back." he nodded.

"Alright.  But I will need him back here by the end of the week." he said, but his eyes had drifted to the side and a small smile appeared which had Deishis eyes following.

Entering behind him, Bai Qian was assisting Zhe Yan into the Hall having just enjoyed breakfast and with him was her brother, a boy he had not really had much to do with, but he never failed to notice how very elegant he was.  Dressed immaculately and walking as graceful as a butterfly, he waited until they were all beside him.

"General Deishi.  I hope it won't be too much of a bother.  But Bai Zhen and I would like to accompany you back to the Celestial Palace. I have yet to see the Palaces army in training, and as you know, Bai Zhen is the one who trained our horses, so he ...." she almost got out before he cut in.

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