Love and War

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Quickly rushing the girl into the infirmary, Die Feng ordered Chang Shan to prepare the elixirs while sending Ling Yu and Cheng Bao to fetch hot water and a fresh gown.  Female garments were kept on the Mountain for emergencies such as this, and though she was taller than most women, they would do.

Once she was on the bed, she ordered Die Feng to fetch the Medicine King.

"Remember to keep yourself behind a barrier Die Feng." she reminded him as he turned and left, leaving her alone with the girl.  

Being the only other female there, it fell on her to deal with her wounds and what energy healing she could provide.  The bowls of hot water were already ready, so throwing up a barrier, she immediately stripped the girl down until she was completely naked.

Watching her, the girl made no move to stop her and did she make a sound as she looked at the woman who could only have been Queen Bai Qian.  She could not help but notice how very beautiful she was, and nor could she deny that Bai Qian deserved the title of number one beauty.  Everything from the way she was dressed, to the elegant and graceful way she moved, told her that her task would not be easy.

Already she had noticed the way General Deishi had looked at her, and nor did she miss the reverence the young Disciples had for her either.  But she too was considered just as beautiful and she was also just as revered among the Dark Lands.  And like the Foxes, she was also just as adept at seduction so she did not concern herself too much with her competition.  If anything, she could see her as a challenge.

But the longer the woman took to clean her, the more she wondered what kind of Queen she was.  That she was tending to her wounds personally, rather than using a maid only gave the impression that though beautiful and revered, behind the accolades was a rather simple girl who might not actually be much of a challenge at all.

Waiting until she had finished washing her down, she slowly took hold of her hand.

"May I know your name?" she asked weakly.

Turning to look down at the girl, Bai Qians eyes softened.  "I am Bai Qian of Qing Qiu." she said in the softest of tones.  "And you are?" 

"Queen Bai Qian?" she asked wide eyed and inflicting as much shock into her tone.

"That is correct." she said smiling.

Immediately the girl tried to raise herself to bow, only to be gently forced back down again.

"Queen Bai Qian, I am Chen Lijuan of the North Seas.  Thank you for taking me in." she said before forcing out a few tears to make herself look even more pitiful which worked, because not only did Bai Qians face soften even more, but she gently lifted the woman to embrace her while she cried.

"There, there....." she comforted her.  "Mo Yuan will ensure that you are given justice." she said as the girl gripped her hands tightly while forcing back the urge to smile.

In that one sentence alone she had learned so much that she could use.  The soft tone in her voice when she spoke Mo Yuans name and the way her body suddenly felt much warmer told her that Mo Yuan was the one who had taken this woman.  And not only that, but the General was also interested in her.  She might not be able to seduce either men, but she had a contingency plan in place regardless.

Then with a small smile, she allowed the Queen to lay her down in order to dress her wounds.


Meeting General Deishi in the Battle Hall as agreed, Bai Qian was surprised to see he had every formation strategy set up for her viewing along with an enormous model of every Realm, including land and sea formations which lined the sides of the hall and were completely open for her viewing.

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