The Aftermath

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Heading straight to The Peach Tree Woods, Mo Yuan was surprised to find Bai Zhen sipping wine at the low stone table as if his small world was unaffected by the events he had just come from.

"Zhe Yan.  Is he here?" he asked gruffly as he stormed up the steps to the little hut.

"He is here, but ...." it was all he got out, because Mo Yuan had already slammed the door shut behind him.

"You can't see him...." he finished the sentence to himself before taking another sip of wine to still his nerves.

He knew of course that the world was at war, and he also knew that Zhe Yan had gone to assist in the medical tent.  He himself had chosen to stay behind and prepare the bottles of wine that Zhe Yan was planning on gifting to the soldiers who made it out alive.  A small gift of gratitude for their services.  

But never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined the sight of the man the moment he arrived back at the Grove.  He was barely breathing, his body was swollen and his skin was bluish grey.  And not only was he unconscious and his gown covered in blood, but Xiao Wu had carried him back herself.  

It took one flight to the Celestial Heavens at the speed of a lightening bolt to gather the Medicine King and then to Qing Qiu for his mother to help him.  Now locked away in their room, he had no idea what was going on, and nor was he allowed in there to see for himself.  Instead he had been ordered outside to await his mother, while Xiao Wu had left for the Den to fetch her father.

Inside the chamber, it took some time for Mo Yuans eyes to adjust to the dim light.  Only a few candles were lit, and the curtains were drawn in order to keep the room dark.  The less distractions, the less Zhe Yan moved.  And keeping him still was imperative because Mo Yuans healing energy was barely holding.  

Sweeping past the Empress, he fell to his knees at the side of the bed to take hold of his hand while the Medicine King poured his own energy into him.  To the side of the room, the Empress what preparing a poultice and Zhe Yan himself was barely conscious.  

He had awoken in Bai Qians arms briefly as she struggled to get him home.  He had a vague memory of her tear streaked face looking down at him.  She was mumbling something which he could not hear, but the moment his body was literally dragged onto a cloud, he once again lost consciousness from the pain.

Bai Qian herself was in a state of shock by the time they arrived.  Had Bai Zhen not been there, she would possibly have lost control of herself.  But the look on her brothers face the moment they broke through the barrier, had her digging deep to keep her head, and only for his sake.  He had immediately rushed at them to help her get him into the hut, but the tears were raining down his face, his body was trembling and though she was thankful to have him there, she could see he would not be of any help, he was far too emotional, he was barely keeping to his feet.

Instead she ordered him to fetch the Celestials medicine King and their mother if just to help him focus on something other than the mess she had brought home, while she stayed behind to strip his body down.  Then with a warm bowl of water, she had gingerly cleaned away the blood until the full extent of his wounds became clearer.  Choking back the urge to scream, she instead bit down on her tongue until the metallic taste of blood gave her something else to think about while she waited.

Several times he mumbled low, but it was incoherent, she understood nothing as she continued to keep him cool with a damp cloth.  Then the longer she stared at his wound, she more visible Mo Yuans healing became.  Initially she had not noticed it, because the wound was so grotesque she had tried not to look at it.  But raising a hand, she gently ran her finger through the thin veil of energy that was pulsing softly in his chest, but not knowing to whom it belonged, she wondered who exactly had got to him first, because what she was feeling was definitely High God energy.

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