The Final Aftermath

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The moment Zhe Yan took his first breath, Di Jun quickly closed down the Meditation Cave.  He allowed only Bai Zhen to stay with him for a while, while ordering all others out and into self care including Mo Yuan who immediately began to anger.

"Mo Yuan, you need to heal, you are of no use to anyone in that state." he ordered as he physically took his arm and forced him out along with Bai Qian who also remained to argue.

"I'm not going anywhere, Zhen Zhen needs someone to help him." she said flatly with her arms folded tightly across her chest and stubbornly refusing to move.

And that then had Mo Yuan also insisting on staying.  "Di Jun, he still needs care, his own core energy was depleted when he left his body.  What Bai Qian gave him is not enough.  Half of it went into making the elixir and the other half into bringing him back, he will have little of that left for himself." Mo Yuan argued, but being far too weak himself, his weak attempt to argue somehow sounded very hollow.

"I will take care of him, you on the other hand are going into seclusion."  He said firmly as Mo Yuans body was forcefully thrown out of his own meditation cave before returning for Bai Qian and with a hand on her elbow he led her too from the chamber and being the Great God of the Celestial Heavens, she dared no argue any more than she had.

"All of you are to enter seclusion for at least ten years, Bai Qian you included.  Once Zhe Yan is well enough to travel, I will take him home and he can seclude himself there.  But right now, he stays within the Mountains Divine energy." he continued as Bai Zhi and Zhe Zhe were also forcefully removed and a barrier placed over the entrance.

"And what about the Scorpion Lands?  I cannot leave them for Ten Years Di Jun.  They need the help now." Mo Yuan insisted as Bai Qian took his arm and led him away to argue with no one because Di Jun had already turned his back on them.

"Mo Yuan, Di Jun was once the Ruler of all four seas and eight lands.  He is more than capable of dealing with them, but right now, you are going to your bed chamber to sleep and tomorrow, I will have one of your other dais prepared for you." she said just as firmly.

"Bai Qian, I know you're only helping because you feel responsible, but really, there is no need.  I am capable of taking care of myself." Mo Yuan almost snapped angrily at her.  As much as he was grateful for her assistance and the sacrifices she too had made to see to Zhe Yans rescue and survival, he could not help but feel angry.  And it stemmed from the reason why this final war ended as it did, which he knew he shouldn't blame her for because it would have happened anyway, but still.  He was smarting from her final words before she flew off the mountain in a rage.

"Oh really.  You're capable of taking care of yourself, yet you can barely walk." She replied tersely, before taking a deep breath.  She knew the anger was back, and she knew he had a right to be, but his anger would have to wait, because she needed to get him to bed before he fell over.

  With his mouth drawn into a thin line, Mo Yuan stumbled towards his chamber while Bai Qian kept her hand firmly on his arm to keep him upright until he finally made it to the door. Then turning slowly, his expression had turned ice cold and so hard, that she bit back the urge to cry.  Instead her own anger began to flare in response to it.

"Thank you for your assistance, but I can manage on my own from here." he said tersely.  His eyes were hooded but she could see he wasn't even looking at her and that only made her angrier.

"I'm sorry!" She snapped as the tears also began to well.   "I'm sorry I did not give you the opportunity to explain, I am sorry I angered and said things I now regret.  I am sorry I hurt you at a time when you should have been feeling happy and joyous.  I am sorry I started the damn war sooner than you anticipated.   And I am sorry that everyone I love got hurt including you.  But I will not apologize for caring about you more than you think I do.  Because whether you believe it or not, I do love you Mo Yuan, so you will damn well accept my assistance whether you want it or not!" she yelled up at him while the tears began to trickle down her face. 

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