The Third War 1

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Walking into Taichen Palace, Mo Yuan always felt as if he were in a different world to the rest, because a third war was on every ones mind, yet you wouldn't know it.  Whether they were fighting or not, it did not mean the heart wasn't pounding in anticipation.  But the sight of their worlds greatest God who had retired from his duties as the Heavenly Skylord to dedicate himself to the realms, reclined on his resting platform with a few empty wine bottles beside him and looking thoroughly bored began to anger Mo Yuan.

But he kept his temper under control as he had always done.   Instead he entered Di Juns Palace with the reverence that the man deserved, he had after all done much for their world, and though their world was once again in chaos, he could not help but feel a little resentful that he was expected to save them all with so little help.

For Mo Yuan, Di Jun sat himself up straight.  Had it been anyone else, including the Skylord, he would not have bothered.  But Mo Yuan had also earned his respect and it showed.  And like Mo Yuan, he did not waste precious seconds on small talk either.

"You're here for additional soldiers?" he asked getting straight to the point.

"I am here for soldiers, yes.  But I am also here to discuss a raid on the Scorpion Lands." Mo Yuan said taking a seat, opposite while Deishi remained standing with his head bowed respectfully.

Instantly, Di Juns head raised higher along with his brows.  "A raid?" he asked as a flash of excitement swept through his eyes.

"That's right.  Tengfei has lost his fuc.... I mean he's lost his mind." Deishi answered before bowing to apologize.  he too was just as angry, but Di Jun was not a man he would dare to cuss in front of, no matter how angry he got.

"What happened?" he asked Mo Yuan directly having no taste for profanity or Deishis anger.

"He is executing his Generals as we speak.  As you know, such a move will weaken them severely because his Generals are well respected and we will absolutely see a revolt among his people that will spill out to the rest of the world which we cannot allow to happen.  It would be better to storm his lands and drag him our by his tail of we have to, but he must be stopped and the Scorpion Lands quickly brought to order." Mo Yuan said slowly and clearly.

"You know I will give you the soldiers that you need Mo Yuan, even overrule whatever orders have already been given, but there is no need for the anger.  I am always available should you need me." Di Jun said strongly.  He knew what was said behind his back.  He was pampered, too idle and ignorant of what went on outside his Palace.  But far from being apathetic, he was already aware of what was happening in the Scorpion Lands but for Mo Yuan to also assume the same misgivings that others had, annoyed him immensely.

Realizing he had offended his old friend by entering his Palace angry, Mo Yuan conceded with a short nod of his head which was followed by a short moment of silence.  To outsiders, this might have seemed a rather weak acknowledgement on his part, but to Di Jun and even Deishi, it was an apology and coming from the War God, it was momentous.

But soon they were talking about the Celestials Troops and how many they would need while discussing Tengfeis beast army which was his strongest force.

"I suggest we do away with the horses.  They will only slow us down and in the end become food for his hounds." Deishi said which both men agreed with, but the moment their attention then turned to Qing Qius contribution which was by far their own strongest force then Si Ming entered in a rush.

"What is it?" Di Jun asked ignoring the bowing.  Si Ming would never enter in such a way unless it was urgent.

"Senior Die Feng of Kunlun Mountain sent me back with news of a battle taking place within the Scorpion lands." he said in a rush of breath.

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