And all for a Dragonfly

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Beyond Kunluns Borders

With the death of Lijuan, a small funeral was held for a Dragonfly who was loved by her entire adopted tribe.  It was a simple affair, but once her body was set alight and the smoke from her ashes allowed to fly free, Tengei immediately gave the order to forego his contingency plan and don battle armour.  They were merely Twelve days out from the original date set for war, but with her death, something he felt he had no choice but to give her, he then ordered his soldiers to not only make their way to the battlefield, but to burn and plunder as many of their allies as they could.  This way Mo Yuan would have no choice but to battle outside of their agreed date.

"Take no prisoners.  Kill as many as you can." he ordered.

"Yes My Lord." his First Admiral said before asking for permission to speak.

"Go on." Tengfei said glaring at him.  He would not allow his decisions to be questioned but curious as to what his Admiral had to say, he stepped back to look down at his bent head.

"Would it not be better to remain where we are My Lord.  The War God is surrounded, he has no ability to leave his Mountain to call in reinforcements, and we know for a fact, that only those that dwell on the Mountain are there save the Fox family.   But he will have no choice but to show himself once we begin rampaging through his allies lands, he is far too noble to allow it.  They are weak My Lord, we could end this now." he said before once more lowering himself to the floor.

Tengfei looked at the man in disgust.  He knew Mo Yuan thought he had no conscience or righteousness when it came to war, and in some small way he didn't.  But to think his own Admiral thought he had no noble bone in his body, enraged him.

Unlike Mo Yuan who placed far too many rules on his own strategies and tactics, he himself had very few, but he did expect a decent fight and Mo Yuan was as far as he was concerned, his only decent rival.  

War was Tengfeis passion.  Mo Yuan may have been the War God, but the man fought solely for peace, in other words he did what ever it took to avoid it, whereas he lived for it.  War, death and destruction flowed through his veins, it was what their people thrived on and how they cultivated.  But war for him also meant fighting a worthy opponent and that meant on a battle ground.  

That Mo Yuans army was given a substantial boost by the Fox Queen was not exactly to his liking, but he was not overly opposed to it either, rather he saw it as a challenge for himself and his men.  But bringing the war forward using his Dragonfly as a good reason, while also taking it back to the battle ground meant a righteous war and no one could say in years to come that he had won the war through default.  

This war was to be his greatest legacy,  he wanted his men to know and feel for themselves the win they would acquire under him through their own hard work.  Treating it as a low border raid was not what he had fought long and hard for.  He wanted a damn good fight,  a battle of epic proportions and a noble win.  Attacking his greatest enemy while at his weakest was not a part of his strategy, he wanted to be the one to end the War Gods reign, and in his mind, he saw this clearly on a battlefield with his own men killing and destroying everything below him as he watched the life leave his body with the blood curdling screams of his loved ones ringing in his ears..

Now looking down at his Admiral, he couldn't anger with the man, because he needed him, but he would not allow himself to be questioned.  Instantly his boot came up to connect with the side of his face while purposely avoiding his head.  It would leave a grotesque bruise, but it would not affect his ability to think.

"Get out of my sight!" he roared which instantly had the man scuttling backwards out the door.

By the time, he had finished giving out orders and organizing a special delivery to Kunlun Mountain, he then left to don his own battle gear.  A silver robe with a small hand embroidered rose in gold thread which sat over his heart, a flower his mother had loved when she had lived, and one that grew in abundance throughout his lands.

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