Soul Rescue

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Quickly returning to Kunlun Mountain, Di Jun felt the soul within the Zither grow in strength the moment the Divine Energy hit.   Zhe Yans spirit was so weak, that he had forced himself to sleep, but the moment the Mountains energy began to seep into his consciousness, his soul at once expanded to drink it in.  He had little in the way of thoughts because thinking used energy, but he had faith in Mo Yuans knowledge of his Zither, having spent a lot of time with it when they were younger.  He knew Mo Yuan had been disappointed that he had not been given it, but he did not begrudge his fathers decision to give it to him instead.  And as the years passed, he also knew that Mo Yuan understood why. 

Mo Yuan was war, that was what he lived and breathed, and his father had not wanted the Zither to become just another weapon for him to use against the enemy, because music was also healing, and being the one who strove to become the Worlds number one Medicine King, giving him the zither made more sense.

Though Zhe Yan was wondering how much damage he had caused.  He rarely angered to that extent, in fact he may have lost his temper only a handful of times in his very long life because that was also something he did not like to feel.  But the sight of that little girl being mauled and having no way to fight back saw his anger explode.

He was happy in the knowledge that she was safe but he was also feeling incredibly guilty, because he knew the damage would be severe.  But now that he was back on Kunlun Mountain, he stopped thinking to allow his soul to rest, he was going to need it for the transfer.  Though a small part of him was excited for this procedure, to actually go through an experience he had only ever read about had the Medicine Kings mind highly excited.  It was so rare to be able to experience ones own teachings that he quickly shut down his thoughts to wait.

But the moment they entered the meditation chamber where his body was, he was once again thinking.  He heard Bai Zhis voice the moment they entered along with the mention of Bai Zhen.

Had they sent him to fetch the Fungal Grass, he wondered.  Becoming agitated by that thought, he forced himself to calm down.  The thought of that boy hurting himself for him, hurt him deeply, but as he listened to them talk, he began to understand why.

From what he could hear, Bai Zhi, Zhe Zhe, Mo Yuan, Deishi and Bai Qian were all injured but most severely had been Bai Zhi, Mo Yuan and Deishi who would have been preferable.  He also now understood why Di Jun had not been sent, Mo Yuan was too weak, but being the only other person who knew his zither well, he had to be the to retrieve it while Di Juns barrier was strong enough to keep him safe.

Now listening as they all waited anxiously for Zhen Zhens return, Deishi suggested that someone go and assist him, and that had them then raising the Disciples, however, he learned they too were just as injured.  In the end, it was left up to Zhen Zhen who he knew could handle it, but still the thought of him being hurt began to upset him again.

It seemed to be hours before Bai Zhen returned, but in reality it had been only two.  He was heavily wounded and near collapse but he had the fungal grass, which Di Jun had taken hold of being the only one there with enough cultivation to make the elixir.  And it was here that they seemed to stumble.

They still needed the Soul Lamp and Di Jun was the only one there that could get it and out of those that were left, only Bai Zhen had the cultivation needed but being wounded his mother would not allow it.

"I don't care how important it is, Bai Zhen is not giving the last of his cultivation.  I will do it." she said with authority before placing her hand out palm up for the fungal grass.

"You are not giving your cultivation.  I will do it."  Bai Zhi said overruling her and almost forcing her back roughly as he reached out to take the fungal grass.

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