A Strategy

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Her arrival on Kunlun Mountain registered immediately.  Die Feng felt her presence before the rest, and was at the entrance to greet her.  Bowing low as the Fox King also came into view, the bow remained as his juniors ran to greet them.

"High God Bai Zhi, High Goddess Bai Qian.  Welcome to Kunlun Mountain." he said softly as the rest bowed.

"Please don't stand on ceremony." she said softly which had them all straightening up again.  No matter how many times he looked at her, Die Feng was always hit by her loveliness.   And not just her looks either, but her kindness.  She had such a gentle way about her, even though he had seen her strength.  In his eyes, she was the perfect woman for his Shifu, and he sincerely hoped she would find a life among them. 

"May I ask what brings you back to Kunlun Mountain?" he asked politely.

"Mo Yuan, we would like to see him." Bai Zhi said looking about the entrance.  If anyone should have noticed their arrival, it should have been him.

"I'm afraid Shifu has gone into meditation.  We don't expect there to be much of a break before the war starts up again, so he is gathering as much cultivation as he can before we go to war again.

"I see.  Bai Qian said softly.  There was definite disappointment in her tone, but making her way forward she asked after the rest of the Disciples.  Many still looked as if they had been crying.  No matter how prepared one thought they were when it came to war, the heart always suffered first and healed last, she thought to herself sadly.

"They have each other to get through it." he replied with a look back at his juniors who were all now moving forward.

"We understand your people also took heavy losses.  Our sincerest condolences." Zi Lan offered for them all.

"Thank you.  I am sure you will remember your brothers with fondness.  Keep them in your heart at all times.  It will give you strength when you need it." she replied as she then looked past them towards the Grand Hall.

"General Deishi has improved a little, but is being kept in a light coma." Die Feng said knowing that was what she was going to ask next.

"Good, I would like to visit with him." she said moving through the throng of boys.  Lightly patting their heads and stroking their cheeks as she passed them by, the immense like for her presence soon had them turning to follow.  

Unknown to her, her presence among them had brought on mixed feelings initially, because they all saw how moved their Shifu was when she was around.  He never laughed or smiled so much before she came along, he was also much less stern with them, so they all grew to like her company and gentle ways.  But they had also noticed General Deishis interest in her and though Die Feng was uneasy with her visiting him, he had no valid reason to deny it.

Leading her to the infirmary, she learned that Zhe Yan had not yet returned from the Peach Tree Woods.  He had been moving back and forth between Kunlun, Qing Qiu and home over the past week or so, but according to Die Feng, he was due back again sometime that day to check on his patient.

"He will be very tired.  He had attended many of the funeral services we held as well as our medical facilities to assist with our own wounded.  Please have a bath, hot tea and refreshments ready for him." she said softly before entering the little room where Deishi was slumbering.

"Of course, we will prepare for him immediately." Die Feng said before turning towards Zi Lan and Ling Yu with a soft look that had both boys rushing away to prepare the High Gods chamber.

Looking down at Deishis face, she could see that Zhe Yans hard work was paying off.  He did look much better than the last time she saw him.  His face now had a little more colour and with a weeks worth of stubble on his normally clean shaven face, he also looked a little older.  He was one of those rare breeds that held his age well, in fact he wasn't much younger than Mo Yuan, but old enough.  But he looked years younger, which is why he never had a problem with the women.

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