A Broken Dragonfly

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Warning!  Extreme Violence.

Carrying the girl back to his chamber, Deishi quickly bound her to his bed before taking a seat on the edge to look down at the now tearful eyes that were flashing angrily up at him.  Smirking down at her, he never would have thought the very beautiful girl with the soft voice and gentle manner, had it in her.  It was obvious going by the fight outside and the battle Bai Qian had been caught up in was a scheme the young lady had been sent to achieve.

"Who sent you?" he asked softly as the tip of his finger lightly stroked down one side of her face.

Trembling under his tender touch, her face turned sharply to the side and her lips pursed shut tightly.

"The Ghost Tribe?" he asked as he ran his finger down the other side.

Making no noise or movement, she refused to answer.

"The Demons?" he asked chuckling at her bravery.

Clenching her jaw, the way his fingers were slowly tracing her face, sent shivers down her spine, but refusing to give him anything, she clenched her eyes shut to try and block him out.

"Tengfei?" he asked and this time there was a definite tensing in her shoulders.

This was definitely something Tengfei would stoop to, the man had no conscience at all in sending a lone woman to do his dirty work, he thought to himself, and the way she just tensed, gave him all the answer he needed.

"I see." he said smirking down at her clenched eyes.  "So he sent you here to cause as much mayhem as you could in the hope of creating dissension among us?" he asked keeping his voice light and soft as his finger tips continued to stroke her cheeks.

Seeing as she was not going to talk to him, he did all the talking for the both of them, though she was now very afraid.  She had never been caught, and nor could she fight off a man like Deishi.  Tengfei had warned her, if she was caught, they would not treat her kindly and nor did she expect them to.  But the way he was slowly arousing her was confusing and she had no idea how to react to it.

"It seems as if your little ploy worked my dear."  He whispered as he bent down to nip at her cheek lightly and making her jump.

 "You see, Bai Qian left the mountain after finding that little gift you left for Mo Yuan.  Unfortunately for you, she got hurt by Tengfeis soldiers who tried to capture her." he said as she felt the top of her dress being slowly forced down over the top of her breasts and his teeth scraping down her neck.

Suddenly a flash of anger flushed through her body.  Was he going to punish her just because of that stupid woman?

Reading the way her hands clenched at her sides correctly, a chuckle erupted.  

"Such a beautiful girl, but so foolish." he whispered before sinking his teeth into her neck and drawing blood.

Yelping, the tears began to reform.  Whatever he had planned for her, she knew it was not going to be pleasant and now very afraid, she turned her face towards him, hoping her tears would soften him a little.

Looking into her eyes, a flash of deep anger flew through the irises, a flash that frightened her even more, because the bright smile completely contradicted it.

"Crying?" he asked in mock surprise.  "But I thought this was what brought you here.  Sex is what drives you isn't it?" he asked before suddenly snatching at her neck with one hand and forcing her head to roll back against the pillow.

"I'm a little hurt dear." he sneered down at her.  "I can understand your attempt to lure Mo Yuan, he is after all a man worthy of chasing.  But tell me.  What do his Disciples have that I don't?" he asked and as she stared terrified into his eyes, the smile disappeared altogether.

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