A Crack in the Armour

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The Scorpion Realm

"So she has joined the war." Tengfei said coldly.  

Her face was still as clear as the first moment he laid eyes on her.  A Goddess so beautiful, that she had barely left his thoughts.  Though not so much for her loveliness, but her power.  From his own men who were firmly ensconced within the Celestials army and Palace staff, he had learned much.

Qing Qiu were not only joining the war effort, but they had literally tipped the scales in Mo Yuans favour.  Furious, but not yet ready to admit defeat, he did have one contingency plan in place, one he was loath to use, but would if it meant winning.

"How many horses arrived at the Palace?" he asked his spy.

"Twenty Thousand my Lord." the man answered, keeping his head down and his arms raised.

"And the Queen escorted them herself?" he asked his second spy.

"Yes my Lord." the young woman answered.

Good.  That meant Mo Yuan was alone on his mountain with Lijuan, who should by that stage be in his bed and undoing his mind.  He may have been celibate for centuries, but no man, no matter who they were, or what high morals they might have, were immune to the girls seductiveness.  She was in a league of her own, so he had no concerns that she would fail.

"Alright.  Allow the horses a couple of days to settle, then move into place.  When I release our contingency plan, he prepared for it." he said with a small smirk.

"Yes my Lord." they both said before kowtowing.

"Keep on eye on Deishi.  If anyone is going to suspect anything, it will be him." he said before another question came to mind.

"Queen Bai Qian.  Is she his woman?" he asked glaring down at them both.

"I believe there is something more than friendship My Lord.  His hand was on her arm the entire time as he guided her about the Palace." the young maid said.

Tengfei had known Deishi since they were children, so he knew how much of a womanizer he was, so a woman like Bai Qian could well be the challenge he had yet to come across.  If he only had his hand on her arm rather than holding her hand, then he was still to make headway with her.  

And that him thinking of the Goddess.  Women the entire world over fell over themselves for him, they still did, yet this one too seemed to be in a league of her own.   Though of course he expected her to be especially after the beating she gave him, and that only had him wondering if Mo Yuan had moved in on her.  

But that, he would not know until Lijuan returned.  So far, no news had reached regarding the girl.  He had heard that Mo Yuans first Disciple had fallen for her, due to his trips to the Celestial Heavens where gossip was rife.  In fact, he had forgotten that Mo Yuans older Disciples were in fact men, and he also knew how very manipulative Lijuan was.  And that thought instantly warmed him, but he also knew, if they caught on too soon, she would be in very big trouble.

Mo Yuan prided himself on being a righteous warrior, but he took no prisoners when it came to spies.  There had been stories circulating that he was just as ruthless as he was when they were found, and nor did it make a difference if they were men or women either.  Spies were not treated well behind the Celestial Palace walls, especially in times of war.

But his ultimate goal was the Goddess. With Mo Yuan, Deishi and her father protecting her, he knew he had no chance of laying his hands on her, but with his contingency plan about to take hold, he would at least have a chance at her on the battlefield, and that thought instantly excited him  

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