Dòng shé Battlefield.

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Sitting on her own horse, one she had personally raised herself, Bai Qian looked out over the battlefield.  Donghua had immediately issued the order to deploy their armies the moment Mo Yuan called for assistance and even more impressive than the tight formations their soldiers moved into, was the sight of all three aerial formations in full motion above their heads.

"We are unfortunately at a slight disadvantage." Deishi said moving his own horse closer to her.  

Not understanding, considering they had more than enough men, she looked blankly at him for an explanation.

"Because we arrived after they did, many of the positions we had originally set up for ourselves have been overtaken.  However, this is the nature of war, so we improvise." he said pointing to her own people who lost out on taking over the entire left and right flanks.  Some were forced into the centre  formations, but seeing as the majority still maintained a reasonable hold in the rear, she wasn't too concerned.

Also looking out at the formations of their enemies, Mo Yuan was surprised Tengfei had not taken advantage of the hills behind him.  From what he could see, there were no soldiers or even beasts on the nearby hill flats, though he was positive there were soldiers and beasts hidden in the surrounding forest that flanked two sides, areas that belonged to him which was swirling with dark energy.

But little time had been given to prepare, no pre war pep talk had taken place, instead he watched on as Tengfei suddenly came into view.

The man was a show pony.  He loved attention and his silver robes which were iridescent, caught the sun to create a gown of rainbow colours.  On his head , he wore a simple silver war helmet, but what immediately caught Mo Yuans attention wasn't the man himself, but the horse he was straddling.

It was pure silver, and for a moment he wondered if he had magically transformed the beasts colouring to match his style, it looked just as gawdy as he did.  But no sooner had Tengfei entered the battlefield then his arm raised.   

Immediately Mo Yuans arm also raised, and before Tengfeis drums could be rolled and the horns blown, a barrier was immediately raised around his entire army forcing Tengfei to take preventative measures.  But not before his deep rumbling voice could be heard bellowing across the battlefield towards them.

"Mo Yuan!" Tengfeis face contorted with rage.  "You dare to hide so cowardly? Or did you drop your balls behind your Queen?" his voice boomed towards them before the air itself rocked with the laughter of thousands of men who immediately began to taunt his soldiers with insults of their own, which instantly had a rising blush flaring across Bai Qians face, as Tengfei then taunted her with sexual innuendos.

Ignoring them completely, Mo Yuans hand slowly stretched out into a straight line before his body while Deishi moved his horse closer to her own.

Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, he squeezed softly.  "Ignore it Bai Qian, the taunts are aimed to weaken you.  See them as the mere slugs that they are, their words hold no meaning." he said kindly while watching as Mo Yuans hand suddenly raised high above his head.

In the distance, Tengfei did the same, then as both mens swords materialized, two streaks of lightening hit the tips of their blades simultaneously, and before she even knew what was happening, both bolts were aimed at each other and released.

Instantly the air exploded as the bolts clashed directly over the entire battlefield and signalling the beginning of yet another war.  The sounds of thousands filled the air as men raced forward, while above them, the three formations released their fire arrows directly into Tengfeis front lines.

Remaining where she was between both Mo Yuan and Deishi, Bai Qians eyes slowly scanned  Tengfeis elite soldiers and Generals who were also holding back while the battle to create gaps in the defences raged below them.  But as her eyes fell on the woman sitting on a horse at his side, she wondered who she might be.  She was obviously someone of rank to have been held back but as the battle below began to heat up and her sight shifted to those behind him, Tengfei suddenly released a bolt of lightening into the ground directly beside him.

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