A Cluster of Stars

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Returning to Kunlun Mountain initially had the concern once again rising having been met by Bai Zhen at the entrance and not only was he pacing, but he looked as if he were ready to flee.

"Zhen Zhen, what's going on?' she asked rushing into his open arms and looking as if he were about to start crying all over again.

"Xiao Wu, where have you been?" he asked, she had been gone for some time, because she had to stop at the Grove to gather her brother a few changes of clothing.

"Zhen Zhen, you know I took Mother home then I got you these." she replied before releasing him to give him the bag.

"Zhe Yans awake." he said smiling brightly and had she not arrived when she did, he would have gone to look for her having been ordered out of his chamber so Mo Yuan and the Medicine King could look at him.

"So what are you doing out here?" she asked before pushing him back to rush off to his chamber only to be pulled back.

"Mo Yuan asked me to wait with you at the East Wall.  He said he would come and fetch us from there when they were done checking him over." he explained before leading her onto the same path she had been on earlier.

"But shouldn't we be waiting outside his chamber, what if something happens to him." she asked trying to pull away.

"Xiao Wu.  He is fine.  Standing outside his door won't change the fact that we won't be able to enter, so we might as well go look at the stars he wants us to see rather than a closed door." he replied.  Then continuing to drag her along, she soon gave up the fight once the edges of a sunset came into view.

"I agreed to meet him to watch the stars.  Father said they cluster overhead once a year and Mo Yuan said tonight just happens to be a perfect time for viewing them." she said between a half smile and a concerned frown.

"Hmm, I remember Zhe Yan saying the same thing." he said continuing to drag her along with him.  Night had not yet fallen, but by the time they reached the East Wall, a brilliant sunset was in motion. 

Sitting on a viewing seat which was a part of the wall itself they both sat facing outwards as the most spectacular view erupted above them.

"How is he Zhen Zhen?" she asked once he made himself comfortable.

"He was asking after you.  He remembers you taking him from the medical tent." he replied before turning to look at her with eyes that were shining brightly.

"He does?  I wasn't sure if he knew where he even was." she said taking hold of his hand and squeezing it.

"Well he does remember.  Though I think the medicine Mo Yuan forced him to take addled his brain somewhat." he said with a light chuckle.  "He said he thought you looked like an angel sent by God himself." which also had her laughing softly.

"At least he's finally awake and talking, that's a good start." she said turning back towards the sunset sky which was fully lighting up the valley below and for a brief moment, it almost seemed as if the sky and land had become one.  The vision was so beautiful that even Bai Zhen was momentarily torn away from thoughts of Zhe Yan to appreciate the view.

"I have travelled vast lands and worlds in my time, yet I have never seen a sunset like this one." he said breathlessly.

And as they watched the sunset move across the sky, the darkening night began to take hold on the horizon until eventually the entire sky gave way to an even more magnificent view.  Thousands upon thousands of stars erupted overhead as the last of the sunset gave way.

Though no sooner had her mouth dropped, then Bai Zhen was dragging her off the seat towards a star gazing platform behind them.    Made of entirely of mosaic marble it was beautifully made and next to it was a small inlaid table that held a pile of cushions.  Quickly snatching up two of them,  he threw them haphazardly on the platform.

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