The Third War 3

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The explosion from Zhe Yans zither completely obliterated the land as far as the eye could see, because the moment his zither hit the Scorpion Lands core energy barrier, the core energy itself erupted upwards throwing Bai Qian and Tengfei into the air with everyone else.  Had Zhe Yan known the effect it would have had on the entire Scorpion Lands and their people, then perhaps he would have taken a few more minutes to consider the consequences.  

Of course he knew it was a destructive weapon when used this way, but he had not really considered the affect it would have on the Lands own core energy centre, which not only erupted its energy outwards, it was just as destructive as his weapon.   The entire Scorpion Lands were on fire, huge fissures were opened and spreading out in all direction and anyone caught in its wake, were swallowed whole.  Hundreds died in the first wave of destruction that grew in intensity as each minute passed.

Spinning and hurdling through the air, Mo Yuan tried to gain control of the momentum, but it was difficult considering the air itself was on fire and the winds were at tornado strength.  Below him the Land belched and spewed its molten core into the air around him while forcing the bowels below upwards and bringing with it all manner of life that met their end the moment they erupted into the fierce heat that was literally melting the entire surrounds.  His mind was shattered and his energy near depleted but still he struggled to get his body to still long enough to gain some control.

Deishi too was fighting to gain control of himself.  Even though he had entered well after Mo Yuan and Bai Zhi, he was well within the Scorpion Lands and in battle when the eruption hit, and his first thought had been for Mo Yuan who he instinctively knew was involved somehow.  Managing to bring his tumbling form to a halt in midair, he quickly raised a barrier around himself to prevent the fierce heat that swirling around him from setting his body on fire.

Already he could see hundreds of lives burning in the air around him, and though in shock and traumatised by what he was seeing, he immediately set off for the source knowing Mo Yuan would be there somewhere.  Briefly he caught sight of Die Feng who had also raised a barrier and was dragging his juniors into it, while behind him, Di Jun came into view and also behind a barrier staring in horror at what he had just arrived to witness.

But it took only seconds to have Di Jun moving briskly through the heat and flames that were flaring up around him, to get as many out as possible, starting with the Disciples though he could see they were not all present.  Working quickly, he then moved on to any and every soul he found to also throw them out of the Scorpion Lands while his eyes searched for his own people.  And that being Mo Yuan and the Fox Family.

Storming towards a glint of Royal Blue that he could see in the distance, Deishis heart was racing in his chest as Mo Yuan finally came into view.  His gown was shredded, his hair was free and flying in all directions, but he seemed to be in control of himself even thought the fierce winds threw lesser beings  into a frenzy around him.

Reaching his side, Mo Yuans eyes bulged at the sight of him.  Unknown to Deishi, a large section of his hair had been burned away, his outer robe was no longer on him, in fact he was barely in his under robes have lost them in the initial blast, but it was the large burn to the side of his face that Mo Yuan winced at. Half his face was hanging by its skin.

"What the fuck happened?" Deishi screamed at him over the roaring flaming winds that were drowning out everything including his voice which Mo Yuan could not hear.  But then he didn't need to hear him, the look on Deishis face said it all.

Pulling him into his own barrier, Mo Yuan quickly looked him over.  Other than the hair and his face, to Mo Yuans eyes, Deishi looked to be well considering.

But if he was shocked, the look on Deishis face was just as horrified.  Now that he was close enough, Mo Yuan too was not as well off as he had seemed from a distance.  His hair too was singed almost to the scalp in some places and his arm was barely hanging at his side, having been ripped open from the initial blast, but his face too had copped the brunt of the explosion when he had tried to rescue Zhe Yan.  His face was blistering and though the adrenaline was pumping through his veins which did not allow him to feel an pain, Deishi knew the agony would hit the moment they left.

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