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"I beg your pardon?" she asked stunned and gaping at him wide eyed at the soft smile that suddenly seemed ominous.

"I know we have not known each other for long, but you already know how I feel about you, and you yourself have stated that you feel the same way.  Qian Qian, this is what I want, marry me." he said again as her two hands were suddenly grasped and pulled towards him.

A million thoughts were swirling through her head.  She should have been happy, she should be throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him, she should be saying yes before dragging him back to his cave that she was now secretly seeing as their love cave, but she didn't.  Instead the anger rose.

"So rather than have me whore myself to the world leaders, you will have me whore myself to you?  Is that what you mean?" she asked snatching her hands back and standing to leave.

Stunned speechless and more than a little hurt, Mo Yuan was now the one gaping at her.  "I don't under...." he almost got out before she whipped around to lean in over him.

"The only reason why you want to marry me is because you want those world leaders back under you and me along with them right?" she snarled at him, her face had turned into a mask of ice cold anger, a face he never would have thought he would ever see.

"Now just a minute...." he snapped as his body rose to his full height to glare down at her.  His dark eyes had turned the deepest shade of black, and his mouth had thinned to a slim line at the unfair accusation.  If anything, he saw them as a team.  Together they could bring the leader back but at the same time, he would well and truly have her as his wife, the only woman he wanted in his life.

"All you see is my social standing and what it will bring to your war." she suddenly screamed at him as the tears immediately began to well.

His eyes too had turned to ice.  That she would think he was that shallow, had the anger in him rising significantly.  

"Now you listen to me..." his low voice accentuated  every word like the lash of a whip.

But her anger was out of control, she immediately overrode him.  "No!  You have said more than enough.  You can go to hell." she screamed hysterically before a sudden flash of light took his sight and he was left standing alone and wondering what the hell had just happened.

Storming back to his study, his face was a mask of fury and confusion and by the time Deishi caught up with him, Mo Yuan was just about ready to hit someone.

"I guess she didn't take it too well?" he asked sighing as he sat down to help himself to the tea.

Shaking with anger, he said nothing as Deishi also poured him a cup, because he was too stunned to speak.  That she would think him to be so shallow was hurtful enough, but to then storm out without even allowing him a chance to explain was infuriating.  He was not used to being screamed at, and nor was he used to being made to look like a villain when he wasn't.

Mo Yuan knew Deishi had strong feelings for her, and that the competition between them had perhaps just been opened a little more for him, but he was also a friend.  An honest one who would no doubt give him an honest opinion regardless of his own feelings.

So quietly and calmly he told him exactly what had happened, and what was said word for word, right up until she told him to go to hell.

"I don't understand.  Of course being together will make us a formidable couple, but I do actually love her.  I asked her to marry me because I want to spend the rest of my days with her." he said shaking his head in confusion.

It had taken a good hour for Mo Yuan to complete the story that should have had a happy ending for him but no matter which way he looked at it, he only ended up more confused by him rather than her.

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