Chapter 18: The Unseen Hand

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"Who got murdered?" I asked Jonny all but forgetting about the message on the article.
"This guy that worked in the library. I went after you left in the morning and he tried to stab me but I wrapped some books around my waist and it deflected the knife. I took it and told him to tell whoever put the price on my head that it wouldn't be that easy."
'Why didn't you tell me that?"
"Because I knew you were stressed about Connor being murdered and the messages left."
"I need to know when people are trying to hurt you."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"So what happened?"
"When you left an hour ago I went back to my cell and avoided the dead rat they..."
"Wait. The what?"
"After I got the temporary release to help find Cameron, I came back and they'd hung a dead rat from the ceiling and wrote the word rat on the wall."
"Remind me when I'm there tomorrow and I'll cut it down."
"Okay. Anyway. I sat on my bed and the librarian's cell exploded. I think the warden wants to question me."
"Tell them you won't answer any questions until your attorney is present. I'll be there first thing in the morning."
"Okay. Lexa..."
"Yeah, Jonny."
"I'm scared Lexa. What if they pin this on me?"
"They won't. I won't let it happen again. Go try to rest. Don't talk to anyone until I get there. I love you, Jonathan."
"I love you too, Alexia."
I sat down at my dining room table staring down at the article when it occurred to me that almost no one knew where I was staying. On purpose. I held my head in my hands. I normally didn't get scared. Of anything, but this was starting to concern me. I could hold my own but if she really wanted me out of the way she could probably do it.
"What do you mean, an explosion? Where?" I asked into my cellphone as I was lead to the warden's office.
"It was a car bomb downtown." Kay said.
"Okay. I have to take care of something at the prison but keep me updated." I hung up as I entered the room.
Jonathan was sitting in a chair near the door and the warden, a short muscular man with curly brown hair and cold, narrow brown eyes, was standing over him.
"I told you no interuptions."
He didn't look up.
"Excuse me. I'm Director Dr. Alexia Carter. Mr. Black's attorney. Take a step back from my client."
I could see a red mark across Jonathan's face.
"Warden Harrison Blake." He said with a slight Australian accent, without looking up or stepping back.
I stepped forward placing myself between Warden Blake and Jonathan.
"I said, take a step back."
"You do realize that your client blew up another inmate?" He got right into my face.
I could feel Jonathan tense up behind me.
"I realize that's what you are accusing him of. If you have evidence to support your claims I'd like to see it." I said not flinching.
"He was seen arguing with the victim."
"You mean after the victim tried to stab him with a weapon you allowed him to have?"
"I didn't..."
"This is your prison, isn't it Warden? You have the ultimate say over what goes on in your prison?"
"That's right."
"Then explain to me who hung a rat in Mr. Black's cell and how they managed to write a word in that rats blood on the wall and while you're at it, why it hasn't been taken down and cleaned. How about how an inmate got a knife into the prison to attempt to stab my client with."
"Ms. Carter."
"That's Director or Doctor Carter.
"As the Director of the FBI I am seizing all computers in this government facility and I want all security footage from yesterday."
"I'll gather that for you."
"That won't be necessary. Derek." I called.
Derek lead an entire team into the Warden's office.
"This is beyond unnecessary."
"Perhaps you should go clean my client's cell, or do I need to do that myself as well."
"No, Director."
"And when I have the evidence that you put your hands on him, I'll have you imprisoned right here and we'll see how long you last."
The Warden's eyes widened as he stared at me.
"Get out."
He left slamming the door behind him.
"Can you even do that?" Jonathan asked from his chair.
"I do have a warrant for the computers and the security footage. But he pissed me off."
"I'll take Garcia the footage and she'll be done with it by lunch." Derek said carrying a box passed me.
"Thank you Derek. Have her call me when she finds anything?"
"Of course."
Once Derek left the room I turned back to Jonathan.
"How bad?" I asked.
"I'm fine."
"That's not what I asked."
"He only hit me once. It took everything I had to not tear him apart."
"Thank you for waiting for me."
"I heard you coming down the hall."
"This will all be over soon."
"I know. I'm really trying, Lexa."
"I know, baby."
My phone rang.
"So, it looks like we're dealing with some kind of secret society." Cameron said.
"Why? Why can I not leave you alone for two hours without you getting mixed up in something you shouldn't?"
"Because of who I am as a person."
"Where's Kay?"
"She's here."
"Give her the phone."
"Yes, ma'am." Kay answered.
"Please make sure he doesn't get himself killed."
"Yes, ma'am." She laughed.
"Keep me updated."
"Of course."
I hung up and looked at Jonathan.
"I will probably say this every day for the rest of my life. You and your brother are going to be the death of me."
He laughed.
Jonathan and I walked back to the private visiting room to wait for the results.
"I have to show you something." I said pulling the article out of my back pocket
"What's this?" He asked taking it from me.
"I found it on the front door when I got home last night."
"On the front door? I didn't think anyone knew where you were staying."
"Only you and Cameron. I think I'm being followed."
He looked up at me.
"I think either she or someone working for her is following me. That's the only way she'd know where I live or that I met with Connor."
"Do you think you're in danger?"
"I can probably handle myself. I always have before."
He nodded.
"I hate being stuck in this cage while you're out there being stalked because of me."
"It's not because of you, Jonny. I'm the Director of the FBI. If it wasn't her it'd be someone else."
"What does she want with me?"
"I don't know, baby."
"I don't want her to hurt you. She killed Connor. She killed that woman that she framed me for. What else is she willing to do?"
"I'll be okay, Jonny. You know me."
He smiled but seemed unsure.
Derek walked into the room.
"Garcia found what we need." He said.
"What did she find?"
"The security footage showed that the warden himself put the bomb under the inmate's bunk and she found other videos on his computer showing him killing other inmates that have been pinned on other inmates. We'll be reviewing all of his cases and charging him with all of these murders."
"Turns out he messed with the wrong family this time." I smiled taking Jonathan's hand.
When I got back to the office Cameron was waiting for me.
"Is Jonny okay?" He asked as I opened the office door.
"He's fine. We got it figured out." I said as he followed me into the office.
"I need to go talk to him."
"What's going on, Cam?"
"Kay and I investigated this secret society called Corvus Vale. Jonny and I are honorary members. We've been grandfathered in by our grandfather Alistair Black. I got a pen and a ring."
He pulled them out and showed me.
"Hmm..." I muttered examining the pen.
"I'm sure it'll interest him. He'll love the challenge."
"Are you okay, Lexi?"
"Hmm? Oh I'm fine. I think I'm just going to go home and try to rest."
"Okay. Be safe Lexi."
"Always am." I answered as I packed up.
It was nearly 5pm as I started walking to my car.
"Director Carter." A small voice called.
I turned and saw a young currier rushing towards me. He was tall and lanky with bright blue eyes and dark red hair.
"Please ma'am, you need to sign for this before I can go home."
I signed the receipt and took the envelope.
"Thank you." I smiled reassuringly at him.
I glanced down at the envelope. It was from the District Attorney's office. I opened the envelope.
Director Dr. Alexia Carter and Mr. Jonathan Black,
The District Attorney's office would like to offer full pardon and apology to Jonathan Black on behalf of the state of New York in response to video evidence submitted by Director Dr. Alexia Carter as his attorney. Once Director Carter visits the courthouse and signs this official pardon, Jonathan Black will be released from Attica Correctional Facility immediately.
District Attorney Oscar Maxwell
I looked up at the clock 5:00pm.
Dammit. Courthouse closes at 5. I'll have to go first thing in the morning. I thought to myself.
As I arrived home I was almost too giddy to rest at all. I hoped a hot shower would help. As I set my things on the table I heard movement behind me. I spun around and didn't see anyone.
I closed my eyes and shook my head at myself.
"You look so much like your mother." A voice said from the doorway making my blood run cold.
I opened my eyes and saw the shell of a man I hardly knew. To me he was a monster that brought only pain. His dark grey eyes bore into my soul and his once jet black hair was a grey mop on the top of his head.
I couldn't speak as I stared at him.
"What? You have nothing to say to your father?"

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