Chapter 30: My Demons

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Back at the hotel we all met in mine and Jonny's room. I filled in the others and made plans to leave for Britian the next day.
"Are you okay?" Jonathan asked sitting next to me.
"I killed the man who abused and tormented me my whole life. If I hadn't he would have killed me."
"That's not really an answer, my love."
"It's the only answer I have right now... Will you just hold me?"
"Of course, baby."
Arriving in London the next day we headed straight to the office of the Prime Minister. Brianna and Lindsey stayed downstairs with Jordan and Gunther while Dina, Cameron, Jonathan and I climbed the stairs to the second floor. In the hallway leading to the ministers office were pictures of the former Prime Ministers. Underneath the last picture read: David Cameron.
Cameron found a loose floor board underneath the picture. He found another ring box. Inside an onyx mens ring set in bronze shown up at us. Written on the lid of the ring box: 'Find me. Rose Hill Cemetery'
"Where is your mom buried?" Dina asked gently.
"I honestly don't know. Apparently, Rose Hill Cemetery. I've never been." I answered indifferently.
"I guess we're going then, yeah?" Cameron asked touching my shoulder.
"Yeah. Now's as good a time as any." I forced a smile at him but he knew.
They all knew that even though I never met her, she was the first person to love me and I never mourned her.
"Wherever you think you're going, you most certainly are not." A woman's voice came from behind us.
We spun around to see the barrel of a handgun pointed in our direction. A woman screamed noticing the gun
"Hand over the box, Cameron. No one has to get hurt." She blinked her two toned eyes at us.
Cameron looked at me and I nodded at him. Reluctantly, he handed the box to her and she lowered her gun. Ruthless and encompassionate, yes, but definitely a woman of her word. She backed away from us and walked back down the stairs.
I pressed my fingertips against the communication device in my ear.
"She's heading back down. Be ready."
"Copy, Alex." Brianna's voice said.
"Stop right there." Lindsey ordered firmly.
We walked back down the stairs in time to see Brianna place handcuffs on Mystery Woman.
She glared at me as I walked in front of her.
"If you think this is the end, Director Carter, you are sorely mistaken." She hissed.
"I don't think it's over. I think it's just starting to get interesting." I answered coldly.
"Get her out of my sight."
Brianna walked her out of the building.
"Lindsey. Take Gunther, Jordan and Dina with you and Brianna on the FBI jet. Cameron, Jonathan and I have one more stop to make."
The next day we boarded our 16 hour flight to Texas. The last time I was in Texas I was eight years old.
Jonathan and Cameron slept during the flight but try as I might I couldn't shake the anxiety that was creeping over me. My heart raced as it got hard to breathe. I reached over for Jonathan.
He woke as soon as I touched him. When he looked into my eyes I broke into tears. His strong arms wrapped around me and held me tight. His voice was so low I couldn't make out the words but it calmed me all the same. He gently pulled me over into his lap and held me against him as I continued to shake. His hand rubbed my back slowly relaxing my tense muscles.
"You try so hard to be so strong for everyone else." He whispered to me.
"You can break too, my love. Break on me. I have you."
I woke still against his chest when we landed yet I didn't feel rested.
"How do you feel, Lexa?" Jonathan asked placing his hand in mine.
"You slept restlessly. I think you were having a nightmare but you wouldn't wake."
"I probably was." I smiled sadly at him.
"Come on. We'll go home soon."
"You know, I took two weeks off for this trip and we barely needed one."
"You need the second week to rest, beautiful."
"And finish planning our wedding."
"Tell me what you need and I'll help you in every way."
"I know."
The three of us rode in relative silence to the cemetery. Looking at the gates it was nothing like I imagined. It wasn't a large cemetery and there stood a large building in the middle.
We walked through the tombstones towards the building. A mausoleum. The name across the top was my own.
I took a shallow, shaky breath before pushing the door open. I took in the white marble casket sitting on a pedestal against the far wall. It captured all my attention so I barely noticed the stacks of gold bricks lining both walls.
I slowly approached the casket. As far as I knew she had no other family. No one had been here in the nearly 27 years since her death. I reached out to touch the casket; my fingers glided effortlessly over the cold marble.
I felt the twins eyes on me. As I started to pull my hand from the casket a small door opened in the side of it revealing a letter.
Alexia, Jonathan and Cameron,
I truly am sorry for sending you all around the world like this just to bring you back here. I had each of those pieces of jewelry specially for each of you weeks ago. I sent Paul Coleman to bury Alexia's ring in Ireland and pass Jonathan's watch and Cameron's ring to Donn Foley and instructed him to stick to groups of 20 in the garden behind the house in Virginia. Donn Foley was to build a room into Palazzo Vecchio for Jonathan's watch and pass Cameron's ring on to Rocco DiPietro who was to place it underneath the floor boards where the current Prime Minister's picture will go. Rocco and Donn are to take turns guarding the watch. Wyatt Holmes has been tasked with keeping an eye on Cameron's ring. Zane Young is the undertaker I tasked to guard my body and all of the gold you see here. One hundred trillion dollars in gold for that matter. Which is just over thirty three trillion for each of you. Sebastian and Eric believed that they deserved all the money they stole from banks or corporations or people but when Elizabeth died when the boys were barely two years old I knew they did not deserve a cent. No father should allow their children's mother to parish because of his actions. She never should have been working that job to begin with. I sincerely hope that the inheritance I have been able to put aside helps each of you in your lives and to reach your dreams. I love you, Alexia.
With Love,
Isabella Carter

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