Chapter 39: Silence

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"Are you two fucking stupid?" Sebastian's screaming echoed through the Archive.
"I know how to get you to get it."
"What are you doing?" Jonny asked panicked.
Sebastian stomped up the stairs to find me. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me back down the stairs.
"No. Let her go."
Sebastian forced me down into a chair and bound my hands to the back of the chair. He pulled a knife and pressed it against my throat.
"You have two minutes to master this escape or I'll cut her." He looked right at his sons.
"Something about this isn't right." Cam said shaking me from my memory.
"Nothing about this is right, Cam." Jonny shook his head.
"They should both be dead. For the last 15 years they've both been dead and Elizabeth 18 years before that. What do they want, Lexa?" He asked.
"I don't know, baby. I'll have to talk to her when they bring her in. I sent Dave and Emily to talk to Sebastian."
"What are they going to say to him?" Cam asked me.
"I gave them creative license. They're some of the best agents I have. We need his DNA to prove he really is Sebastian Black. That's our first step. I sent our kids with Jasmine and Gunther until we know what's really going on here." I answered with a sigh.
"That's probably best." Derek said from my doorway.
"We couldn't find Elizabeth Black at her home or work place or anywhere else. I just got off the phone with Emily and they haven't been able to find their father either."
I nodded pensively.
"What do we do now?" Cameron asked.
"I'm not sure yet, Cam."
"What do you mean you don't know?" Jonny snapped.
I glanced briefly at my husband.
"I get how frustrated you are..."
"Do you?" He hissed.
"Don't you dare forget what he did to me. He hurt me too."
I got up and walked out of my office.
"What are you doing?" I heard Cameron ask his brother.
I walked into Penelope's office.
"I need you to try to track Elizabeth and Sebastian's phones."
"I'm way ahead of you, boss. Someone is routing the cell signals through at least ten different cell stations. I'm working to narrow down a search radius by focusing on the cell stations that both phone's have in common." She said.
"Thanks, Penelope."
"Lexi? Can I talk to you?" Cameron asked from the doorway.
I sighed.
"Sure, Cam."
I lead him into a conference room.
"I just felt like maybe we should talk." He said after I shut the door.
"About what?"
"I've never seen you and Jonny like this. You two have the strongest relationship but something's wrong. Dad being alive should bring you closer not tear you apart. What don't I know?"
"Jonny's always been very protective of me. You know that. He just wants this over. We all do." I sighed looking at him.
"That's not it, Lexi." He said.
"There's something he did that you're not telling us."
"Jonny knows. I told him before we got married."
"Tell me, Lexi." His eyes plead with me.
I shook my head before looking at him with a sigh.
"When you and Jonny started doing shows on your own your father would come back up to the Archive and take me into that basement room; the one with the shackles in the corner; and he'd... rape me."
Cameron stared at me for a long moment.
"How did we not know?" He whispered.
"In a way you did." I smiled sadly at him.
"Do you remember when you'd come home and I'd be curled in Jonny's bed?" I asked.
"Oh God... We never thought..."
"You both went through some of the worst things I've ever seen even now and I've been doing cases like ours my entire career. Do you remember when I asked you and Jonny to teach me those escapes?"
"I thought you were trying to help us..." He muttered.
"I was. I thought maybe if I help you and Jonny with the escapes that he wouldn't be so angry and he wouldn't want to hurt us anymore. I thought I could fix him but I couldn't. Every time you mastered an escape he'd come up with another one. A harder one."
"What he did to you, to us, wasn't your fault, Lexi. None of it. He was always like that. All our lives."
"I'm scared Cameron. If he's after us..."
"I know. I know."
He reached over and hugged me.
"Have you seen Jonathan?" Jennifer asked opening the door.
"Did you check my office?"
"Yeah. I've looked around and I tried calling his phone but didn't get an answer." She said.
"Let me try."
I pulled out my phone to call my husband.
"Alexia Carter." A deep voice answered and my heart stopped.

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