Chapter 39: Get to You

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I was curled on the couch looking over some of the wedding plans Jonny and I made with the TV on.
"Alexia Carter and Jonathan Black have released their gift registry today. The couple have asked for handmade gifts or donations to The Dream Alive Center which provides health care and various other services to homeless people and families. The Homeless Women of DC which aids homeless women in their job and apartment searches. The Night Buddy Foundation which provides support and resources to suicidal people 24/7. Shark Heart Foundation which aids is shark research and conservation. The Woodly House in DC which aids in research and education in the mental health field." The anchorwoman said over the TV.
I heard the door open but didn't pay it much attention.
"Alexia?" Jasmine called.
"Living room."
"Alexia. Are you having Jonathan or anyone follow me?"
I finally looked up at her.
"No. Of course not. Why?"
"I'm not sure. I just feel like I'm being followed." She said, fear painting her features.
"Come sit." I motioned her over.
She came and sat next to me.
Glass flew across my living room as a brick landed on the carpet.
"Go call Jonny." I told her as I got up to look out the window.
A black Honda CR-V peeled away from the house. My home is gated off. I flipped on my security camera at the front gate and snapped a picture of the license plate. WEF-3652.
"He wants to talk to you." My sister said coming in from the kitchen.
"Jonny." I answered.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Someone threw a brick through the window." I said looking at the brick.
"There's a note on it. Jasmine. Get me some gloves out of the box on the counter."
"I'm on my way home, Lexa. Okay?"
"Yeah. Okay, babe."
We hung up as Jasmine brought me the gloves. I took the brick in my gloved hands and pulled the note off.
I will get to you, Jasmine
"I guess I'm not paranoid." She muttered.
"I never said you were." I pulled her over to me.
"We'll figure it out."
She leaned into me.
After Jonathan got home with Cameron I called and asked Penelope to run the license plate.
"The car belongs to a Ross Drake bur it was reported stolen a week ago." She told me.
"Put out an APB for it, okay?" I asked.
"Of course. We'll find who did this, okay?"
"Yeah. Okay."
Jonathan had already called the window company and they were sending out an installer right then. Emily came by to pick up the letter and the brick to take them to the forensic lab.
"Call if you find anything, please." I instructed as she left.
"Of course, Alex."
I offered her a half hearted smile.
Out in what is technically my driveway the forensic team was processing where the brick was thrown from.
"Alexia. Can I talk to you?" Jasmine asked from the hallway.
I nodded and followed her down to her bedroom.
"What's wrong?" I asked as she shut the door behind us.
She opened the top drawer in her side table. Inside her half a dozen notes like the one that came on the brick.
"When did it start?" I asked glancing through them.
"About a week ago." She said dropping her eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was afraid you'd decide I'm more trouble than I'm worth."
"Do you remember what I said before I brought you here?"
She shook her head.
"You're family. You'll find that we take care of our own."
"Do you think it could be Lucas?"
"Maybe. I'll have Penelope run his credit cards and track his cell. If he's been close to here we'll know."
After I gave the rest of the notes to the forensic team and the window was replaced, Jonathan, Cameron, Jasmine and I all sat on the sofa and put on Trespassers.
Jonathan and I sat in between Cameron and Jasmine because Cameron still didn't trust her, understandably so. Even still, Cameron was very helpful with the investigation at the house. I'm not sure if that was for her or me.
Cameron agreed to sleep in the spare bedroom next to Jasmine's to help her feel safer than just having Jonathan and I sleeping on the third floor.
The next morning I awoke to a phone call.
"Carter." I answered groggily.
"You think you can protect her but you can't. You think that you and your magicians are enough to stop me but you aren't. I will get to her, baby sister. And all you can do is wait." A deep, dark voice said.
I leaped out of bed, waking Jonathan and ran down the stairs to Jasmine's room. I found her still sleeping in her bed. Jonathan walked down the hallway as I closed her door again.
"Is everything okay?" He asked.
His voice instantly calmed me.
"For now it is. Will you make me one of those energy drink things that you make while I call Penelope?" I asked as he hugged me.
"For you? I'll even make breakfast." He smiled at me.
"Hey, boss." She answered.
"Can you try to trace the number that just called my phone?" I asked.
"Sure thing. Give me some time."
"Thanks, Penelope."
Jonathan flipped the omelet he was making as I walked into the kitchen.
"Looks to me like you're showing off." I teased sitting down at the counter where he'd left my drink.
"Maybe a little." He laughed.
"Why don't we eat out in the garden? We haven't done that in awhile." He suggested.
"I like that idea."
Jonny and I walked out to a large wraparound bench surrounding the rose garden. We sat eating in relative silence listening to the sounds of the wildlife.
I leaned against the love of my life.
"What are we going to do, Jonny?"
"We'll protect her, Lexa. That's what we do."
He wrapped his arms around me.

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