Chapter 17: I Hope You Dance

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"Of course, Jen. What do you have?" I asked sitting up a little.
"Four different victims in Montgomery, Alabama." She handed me a file.
María Coria, Luciano Posada, Nita Carazo, and Gonzalo Sosa all factory workers all suffocated found in their homes over the last month.
"Well, they're all Hispanic. Were they legal?"
"Garcia is running the names now to find birth records."
"The mix of male and female victims is odd. I'd say that victimology will be something to look at. I'd put Spencer on that. He sees things that the rest of us don't. Did they all work at the same factory? If so send David and Aaron to the factory."
"How could you know that?" She chuckled and shook her head.
"Honestly, it was a guess. I'd say then that the UNSUB first encountered the victims at the factory. Once Garcia is finished on the victims I'd ask her to run any possible disgruntled employees of the factory especially if they're American who could view the victims as illegals who stole their job.
"I'd have Derek and Emily visit the most recent crime scene. Derek is a role player he'll be able to get a feel of the UNSUB from the scene. I think you should focus on the victim's families. You've always had a way with people." I finished.
"You haven't skipped a beat." She smiled.
I winked playfully at her.
"Let me know if there's anything else you need from me."
"Thank you, Alex."
"You really are good at that." Jonathan said once Jennifer left.
"It's just psychological profiling. I've been doing it for almost ten years." I shrugged.
"You could do a lot of consulting while you're home with the boys. It'd keep your mind engaged while you're still at home caring for the twins." He suggested.
"That's a good idea. I've been thinking about having you bring home all of the paperwork and things I've been letting Alyson Blackburn doing. I've heard enough about her tyranny since I stepped back during the pregnancy."
"She's not my favorite person." He admitted.
"I know Jonny." I sighed.
"Let me iron out the details and I'll put it into effect in the next month."
He smiled at me.
Nearly a month later I sat in our bed watching our sons sleep when my phone rang.
"Alex. We sent you a file if you could look at it?" Aaron asked.
"Sure. Just a moment."
Ten victims murdered in Indianapolis, Indiana. Including a local prodigy film student from the local university, all shot in the chest with a 9mm pistol at close range in a mall shooting. No suspects in custody.
"What about the other victims? I see the local film student. Do we think he was the target and the others were collateral damage? I think considering the method of execution, the bullet to the chest, either all of the victims were targeted or they were all random.
"Were there any victims that survived?"
"That's odd too. I'd look into the victims. See where they overlap. I'd figure that this was more of an assassination than a mall shooting."
"JJ's right. You haven't skipped a beat."
From the bassinet Logan started giggling.
"What are you doing over there, little one?" I asked getting up.
"I gotta go Aaron, Logan's awake."
"We'll talk to you later, Alex."
My son's eyes lit up when he saw me.
"Hey, my little love." I smiled at him as I picked him up.
"You're gonna wake up your brother." I teased lightly.
He smiled up at me with his daddy's smile.
"Never pictured myself singing lullabies. Sitting in a rocking chair in the middle of the night. In the quiet, in the dark. You're stealing every bit of my heart with your daddy's eyes. What a sweet surprise. And now I'm holdin' what I never knew I always wanted. I couldn't see, I was blind 'til my eyes were opened. I didn't know there was a hole. Something missing in my soul.'Til you filled it up, oh, with your love" I sang to my son.
Both of our boys had Jonny's eyes and his smile. They knocked me off my feet every time they smiled at me looking so much like their daddy.
Joshy woke up and started babbling in the bassinet. I shifted Logan in my arms so I could pick up Joshy too.
Jonny was on the fence about calling Joshua Joshy. I figure he's an infant, he'll know his name is Josh.
"Hey, mama." Jonathan teased as he walked in while I carried our sons into the living room.
"Hey you. How was your day?" I asked kissing him.
"It was good. We think we nailed down this Deception for tomorrow." He smiled at us.
"Now, exponentially more important, how was your day?" He asked reaching for Joshua.
I handed him our son causing Logan to fuss until Jonathan sat down next to us with Joshy.
I leaned back letting Logan lay on his stomach on my chest.
He raised his head to look at me.
Early that week Jonathan and Cameron moved nearly everything out of the living room so we could buy quite a few baby play mats that we laid around the living room for the boys to play with. They can't stand to be too far away from each other though so when Jonathan and I laid them down to play we had to lay them down at two toys that were next to each other.
Cameron and Kay came over while the boys were playing. Kay and I spent some time in the kitchen making dinner while Jonathan and Cameron sat on the couch watching the boys.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked me.
"Of course."
"Cam's been acting weird lately. We've been together for a couple years now. Do you think he's going to take this relationship to the next level or?"
"I've known Cameron for like 19 years. He can be impulsively but when making a decision like this he's thoughtful. He hasn't said anything to me yet but Cam gets in his own head a lot." I answered the best I could.
She looked at me kind of concerned.
"Jonathan proposed." She said.
"Not until I was 23. We'd been together nearly four years before the proposal but our engagement was just one hurdle after another."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, we got engaged on June 27th 2015. They left on tour on July 7th 2015 then he was arrested August 18th 2015. I managed to get him released to me for the duration of the trial but he was sentenced to ten years on August 15th 2016. We talked on the phone but I didn't come back to New York until June 2nd 2017 and you remember the rest." I sighed.
"That entire first year the prosecution kept telling me that the woman in his car that night was his mistress." I smiled at her.
"And as it turned out he was completely innocent." She looked down.
"Exactly. Basically what I'm saying is let Cameron figure it out himself. If he asks for advice it'll be from Jonny. Cam's always valued Jonny's insight."
"Would Jonny tell you?" She asked.
"Maybe but I wouldn't tell you." I answered.
"What? Why?"
"The one thing I'll never forget is how it felt when he got down on one knee to ask me to be his wife. The joy and surprise was insane. In my opinion it's better to not know it's coming."

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