Chapter 14: Broken People

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"The Children of Fortune is a religious cult lead by Dominic Quinn. Quinn is believed to be responsible for the murders of seven people over the last four years; all men, all able bodied. It is believed that each of the victims were trying to move their families from The Children of Fortune before they were murdered. Alexia is going to infiltrate the cult as a reporter doing a story about religious groups and their beliefs." Director Kenneth Patrick said looking at me during our meeting.
I nodded.
"Once we have the evidence that Quinn is the one behind the murders you'll finish him."
I nodded again.
No one outside this room knew what I was going to do.
Director Kenneth Patrick, Deputy Director Emily Owens, Cheif Erin Strauss, and David Bartlett my personal handler.
Later that day I met with Dominic Quinn as Christi Malone from the University of Virginia school newspaper.
"Hello Mr. Quinn. I'm Christi Malone. I'm so glad you decided to sit down with me today. I've heard whispers about your community but they paled in comparison to the beauty you've created here." I said as I shook his hand.
"It's truly a pleasure Ms. Malone. We're truly excited that the University is taking an interest in our humble community." He smiled at me.
He had short pure white hair and hazel eyes that shone. He looked young despite the white hair.
"What prompted your decision to create this community?"
"I found that every church I went to didn't give priority to it's members."
"Can you explain how you focus on your members?"
"We make sure our members are taken care of. Not a single member needs to work outside of the community to be able to survive."
"That's truly incredible. How about turn over? How many people leave compared to how many people join the community?"
"We don't have any members leave the community. In a typical year we have between 50 and 60 new members."
"Incredible. How long has this community been able to be self sustaining?"
"Just about the entire five years."
"Are there any members I can also speak to that can give me an insight into life here?" I asked.
"Of course, Ms. Malone. You may speak to whomever you'd like."
"I appreciate that beyond measure. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today."
"The pleasure is mine."
I left the office and walked around the compound taking some pictures of buildings and members until a young woman walked up to me.
"May I help you?" She asked.
"My name is Christi Malone. I'm a reporter for the University of Virginia paper. Mr. Quinn gave me permission to talk to some members and take some photographs for my article."
"So, you aren't here about the murders?"
"Murders? What murders?" I asked feigning shock.
"You don't find it odd that no one ever leaves the community?"
"Well, yeah but that doesn't make me jump to murder."
"My husband tried to sneak us out a few weeks ago. Quinn's security caught us and I never saw Todd again. I'm certain he killed him for trying to leave. He's not the first." She whispered.
Suddenly, she looked around and walked quickly away from me.
I knew I had enough for my superiors to send me in for the assassination. They knew that we'd never get enough actual evidence to convict.
It was decided that I would go back that night before he could realize that I wasn't writing a paper.
As with all of my previous assassinations I wore black tights and a long sleeved black shirt with black gloves. My long dark brown hair pulled back into a tight bun covered in a black ski cap. A small one shot pistol in my waist band as I climbed up the wall of Quinn's home. I slipped silently through the window and with expert precision shot the man through his right temple. I situated the gun in his right hand, placed the note on the desk, and retreated out the third story window.
The next morning the Virginia Chronicle ran the story: Religious Leader Dominic Quinn Commits Suicide Leaving Note Detailing Murders.
"What are you thinking about?" Jonathan's voice startled me.
I stood at the sliding glass door in our bedroom holding Logan. Our younger son was the more fussy of the two.
"I was thinking about The Children of Fortune assassination." I answered lowering our son back into his bassinet.
"It wasn't my first assignment and it wasn't my last. I believed and still do that I was doing the right thing. I believe that I saved lives. When President Cole found out about it he shut it down. It wasn't long after the shut down that I did the Connor Warner case and was promoted to Director after President Cole retired Kenneth Patrick."
"How many?" He asked.
"In total in my first two years in the FBI? Probably 25. It was roughly one a month until it got shut down."
"Do you feel anything about it?"
"Of course I do. I'm not a monster. I feel for the families they had but at the same time I would have felt worse if they continued killing innocent people because I didn't do it."
"I understand that."
"Justin knew that I did my job but that I wasn't at all proud of it. He knew that I'd never implement something like that again. It wasn't the right way to go about it but I was 17 when I graduated the academy and I did whatever I was told."
"That's not the woman I know."
"I've been damaged for a long time Jonny. You know that. Everything I've ever done since I was eight years old was to protect someone. You, Cameron, everyone who could have been a possible victim of these people I killed." I sighed.
"That makes a lot more sense. You're smart Alexia. You had to realize that I was going to keep protecting you from him." He smiled at me.
"I did but by then I couldn't stand him so badly that I couldn't help but keep pushing at him." I leaned my head against his shoulder as we watched our boys sleep.
"We'll figure this out together." He whispered wrapping his arms around me.

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