27. She is going to be a warrior

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I woke up to a beautiful sight today. Loki had brought Atla into our bed this morning, she was playing around and talking to the little girl. It's something I didn't expect to see so soon.

Only a few days ago since Ivar challenged Loki. I don't look forward to that, but I tried to talk to my mother as well as Loki. It didn't work. She said as soon as you say yes, there is no going back.

I even went to Einar, and he said he was going to try and talk to her. He meant that the whole ring-fight is foolish, but his son Ivar invented it and Erica didn't do anything about it.

Yesterday, Einar came back telling me that she said the same thing to him. Loki can't get out of it. The only way to do so to fight. I told Einar that Loki is the worst fighter to go up against. He looked worried for his son. I just warned him, so maybe I could make him talk Ivar into backing off, but I highly doubt that would happen.

I haven't even mentioned the worst part. Einar wanted to invite all of us for dinner today. It's the first time we are all going to be gathered together. Loki does not look forward to it.

"You are awake." Loki smiles at me, and I stretch out with a big yawn.

"Do you have any idea how strong her grip is?" Loki says, amazed by the little girl holding onto her finger.

"Trust me I do, I have lost a few strands of hair the past few days," I tell her, and a small laugh comes out of her.

"She is going to be a warrior," Loki says, which makes me raise my eyebrow at her.

"What?" She questions.

"I was always told if a baby has a strong grip, they are going to be excellent fighters." She shrugs, and I roll my eyes.

"The only fight she is going to be in is with you when she gets older." I huff and Loki raises her eyebrows.

"We are going to keep her?" She asks, confused, leaving me unable to answer that.

"What about her mother?" Loki wonders.

"I don't know," I shrug.

"I didn't see anyone when I found her. Like I told you before, she was abandoned and someone is looking for her. Why? I don't know." I tell her, and she seems thoughtful.

"Maybe she is the daughter of a royal?" Loki question, I have thought about it, and it might be right. Why else would someone want her so much?

"Maybe." I shrug.

"I mean it would explain a lot, but why would they go so far to slaughter people?" I wonder out loud.

"I don't know, maybe someone stole her, or the mother didn't want that kind of future for her," Loki says and looks down at the little girl who smiles brightly to her.

"At least she is safe," I say, and it makes Loki laugh.

"Not from your mother." She comments, and I roll my eyes.

"My mother is blind and won't accept the fact that it was not your fault. She wants someone to blame, and it's easy to blame you." I tell her, sadly. She looks annoyed by what I said, and I can't blame her.

"Doesn't mean it's right." Loki watches me, and there is a disappointment in her eyes.

"I know." I sigh.

"Just try tonight, maybe it will make her change her mind about you," I tell her, trying to be optimistic.

"I don't think a woman like your mother who is holding so much grudge against me will change her mind," Loki says, and we both know it's true.

"Can I take a look at you?" I ask her, and she watches me confused.

"Your wounds," I say correctly this time. It's just what she told me a few days ago about her being tortured has made me want to take a look at her again. I hadn't seen her wounds since the day when we patched her up.

"Why?" She asks.

"I just want to see how you are," I tell her.

"And if I say no." She says, unsure.

"You don't want me to look at you?" I question worried. She avoids my eyes, staring down at Atla.

"There is nothing to look at," Loki says. I'm not too fond of the look in her eyes. She seems disgusted in some way. So I nod and let it pass for now. She has been through enough already and I don't want to make it any worse for her. 

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