Chapter 4

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"Everything is alright..."

He heard a deep but soft tone of voice which made him still immediately, he turned his head around to be nose to nose with a blurry appearance of a person who was now holding his hands and looking at him with worry. The ginger blinked for a couple of times and looked straight ahead trying his best to recognize the figure, but he couldn't clearly be on familiar terms with him.

A red flame suddenly caught his eye and he quickly pulled his hands away from the stranger, blowing on his palm while the tears rushed down his cheeks not taking the word 'no'. He tried to breathe continuously even though he was breathless and panicking; the only word he kept repeating was "No".

He had done a big mistake because he wasn't really permitted to show anyone except the people his father says is safe and sound with to show or tell that he has supernatural powers of fire. Not only that but he failed big in front of the queen; caused by running away from them when he had to be more prince-like and make up a conversation. The thoughts echoed in his mind, making him consider he is no good and nor is he worthy of being a prince which resulted in more tears and sobs. The only thing he is now capable of is to lock himself in his room surrounded by fire and anxiety. Away from life and be locked up in a-

"Don't worry prince Jungkook, everything will be alright"

The person's deep voice was heard again and he felt his wet cheeks being wiped away with two long thumbs. He shut his eyes closed still sniffing and hiccupping. He felt surprisingly calm and relieved for some reason. The ginger slowly opened his glossy amber eyes and moved it upward to see the person who was speaking in a calming manner. The blonde looked at him in worry and reached towards his small hands gently caressing them with his thumbs, his forehead moved towards Jungkook's as both of their foreheads touched. The ginger looked back down not caring who the other was as he felt calmed down, he looked at their hands which widened his eyes and he stared in disbelief, slowly drifting his gaze back at the blonde.

"Prince K-Kim Taehyung....?" He stuttered in disbelief.

Taehyung was using his powers to spread icy vapour around Jungkook's palm, making the fire slowly disappear. The blonde looked up in the wide almond eyes and smiled a radiant yet comforting smile. "Are you feeling better Prince Jungkook?" He asked a handful of concern was visible in his eyes. The younger nodded his head slowly and backed away, embarrassed.

"Why would you do that?" He asked sheepishly, looking anywhere but not Taehyung.

"I was comforting you as you seemed really scared I guess...about controlling your powers"
Jungkook's head snapped back up and he looked sadly at the older.

"Please, don't say anything about this to my father"
He pleaded to the confused boy in front of him.

"I won't, do not worry"

Taehyung assured him and gave away his bright boxy grin but came back to his confused state.

"But I thought your father knew..."
He said as he trailed off.

"He does, but when he would find out that I ran away from a conversation from other royals he would feel embarrassed and I don't want him to feel that way" Jungkook explained instantly.

"Ohh... alright. You can trust me, I won't say a word"

Jungkook turned around not facing the other and smiled slightly.

"Thank you, so much!"
He said a bit louder this time.

"My pleasure, but anyway now that you are calmed down. Do you think you can come down to the ball room? Since we are keeping the party there"

The ginger nodded his head and as soon as he did the blonde pulled him by his hand and ran towards the stairs giggling.


Author-san: Yeoboseyo~ ^^ How are you all? I wrote this chapter as quick as I can because I am getting a lot of ideas and I have already written chapter 5; it is in the draft. I am really happy about this. I am loving all of the 'Love Yourself; Answer' songs, especially 'IDOL'. It seems as if its a mixture of Fire, Not Today and some other songs. I thought this after seeing their dance.

Did you get it?!? Im fine song was a hint given in 'Fake Love'. Save me and Im fine both of them are there in Fake Love when it comes in Taehyung's part. So amazing!

Also: Happy Birthday Jungkook! I hope you reach the top of the world with your hard work and singing! Keep on impressing the ARMY with your voice! Love you lots <3

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Also: Happy Birthday Jungkook! I hope you reach the top of the world with your hard work and singing! Keep on impressing the ARMY with your voice! Love you lots <3

Also: Happy Birthday Jungkook! I hope you reach the top of the world with your hard work and singing! Keep on impressing the ARMY with your voice! Love you lots <3

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