Chapter 11

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Jungkook choked on his food and coughed continuously gaining the attention of the people surrounding the table. A maid hurried towards him and handed him a glass of water which he drank all to get rid of the pain emerging in his throat.
The members of the castle looked at him worriedly and Yoongi was about to rub his back but Jungkook pushed him away harshly making him stumble back.

He looked at the empty glass with darkened irises and gripped it tightly, unconscious about the other people whose stares were still there. His vision was turning blurry. The ginger set the glass down on the table and cowered his head low, making his hair cover his eyesight and his forehead. There was a pin drop silence, the only sound heard was that of Jungkook's heavy breathing which made everyone scared but they dared not to go near him.

The ginger slowly faced his palms towards his eyesight and stared at them. They were turning red and were shaking too much. His eyes widened and he looked too miserable to even control what was happening.
He was feeling trapped by the expectations and uncomfortable feeling growing inside his body.
He felt evil.
Making everyone suffer.
Suffer because of his own mistakes.
He made them feel unsafe.
He made them feel uneasy.
He was sick of this fake love.
His parents could never brag about him as they didn't had anything to say about him.
He is a prince Damn It! People should look up to him but he was never there in front of their eyes.
All he did was to be locked up in his room and kept making himself being suffered by the negative thoughts.
All he did was to make himself uneasy.
Why wasn't he strong?
Why didn't he tried to control his powers?
Why can't he make others happy?
Why was he so evil?

Why wasn't he like...


The ginger stood up making the chair fall back as he stared at his palms, the redness was slowly spreading throughout his whole hand as a few sparks twitched.


He whispered in terror while taking incoherent steps back, fear rising in his sensitive heart. His heart beat was ticking like a clock but with more force. His controlled walls came breaking down, only he could feel it. He was so happy few minutes ago but of course it wouldn't last long. He knew it yet he tried to forget about it. Which made it more hard to accept his past back.

Heat was covering his body slowly but surely. He wasn't ready but he knows this comes without warning and for some reason he was done with controlling it in. All he wanted to do was to let it all out. Everything. Every. Single. Thing.
His back collided with the hard wall sending him waves of pain yet he didn't care.

Let it all out.

He was unconscious of the loud growl that emitted from his throat which made the guests more terrified. Queen Jeon was clinging on to her husband as tears rolled down her cheeks, she kept whispering that everything was her fault while the older just didn't speak and his face color was drained. The King Kim was in shock and tried calming his Queen down whose loud sobs were muffled in his shoulder. Yoongi was beyond scared and was behind Namjoon with Jimin and Jin whose faces were white as a ghost.
The only person who showed a different expression was the blonde haired Snow Prince. His face was unreadable and his bangs covered his eyes. He looked as if he had no control over his body and was standing lowly.

It was a very weird sight to see, with a prince standing afar from his family, suffering while them just watching him helplessly. Even though he cried and growled and they could even see him trembling with fear but they just didn't move even if they wanted to, they couldn't.


He growled again as the sweat slipped past his face down to his neck, mixing with his tears. His eyes were shaking and his feet were trembling without him having any control over it. He felt as if he was injected to feel the fear. He felt as if he was a monster. Tears covered his pale face as he slipped on the ground and tightly hugged himself, screaming in pain. He had never felt this much pain

So... why now?

The ginger cried out again but it was more of a whisper as he cowered his head low, hiding his face in his knees. He didn't wanted to feel anything, so he didn't felt anything.
He wanted to hide and be away from everyone but he knows that's not possible. He can't get anywhere even if he tried.
"I... am...a monster"
He whispered softly and exhaled. He felt his whole body in heat yet he can't do anything but to let it happen.

So he did.

A large heat of fire bursted out of him, the flames getting higher. He felt lost and confused right now and he didn't have any answers to the questions the world gave to him. He let his hands and legs slide down as he stared at the ground without any emotion. The flames hit everywhere causing the people to get more scared.
He turned his head to see his hands and legs. Fire. That's all he could see.

The pain he felt was transforming into fire and the others could see how much pain he felt. He wanted everyone to know his bottled up feelings. He was enough with everything. His eyes showed everything he felt because he felt nothing.


The figure ran towards the miserable boy and wrapped his arms around his body, tears covering his face. He cried and hid his face in the boy's shoulder before surrounding both of them with pointed spikes of ice. He caressed the other's dull and emotion less face while he cried. The younger boy was  pale and stared into nothingness.
The blonde fixed their posture and cupped the ginger's face. He could hear the screams and yells of both of their parents and friends but he didn't cared.
What are they thinking?
They can't just leave Jungkook be. He needs attention and love. He needs to feel safe and secure. Taehyung knew that they weren't going to do it so he did it.

"Look at me Jungkookie..."
He whispered and brought their faces closer, making their foreheads touch.
"Feel something.... Show me what are you feeling... Tell me...what do you feel?"

The ginger didn't replied and the flames grew wilder. Taehyung slowly caressed the other's face while spreading icy vapour around him but it was weak compared to the fire yet he was safe.

"Show me more Jungkook. Everything."

At that, the ginger was spreading fire everywhere. The fire crackled and flickered and spat showers of sparks like a fountain, plumes of black and grey smoke wound itself around the room like a great hungry serpent, ready to eat up everything that comes its way. Crimson anger arose from the flames. Struggling to stay lit all the fury burst out  as if it devoured the room hungrily, expressing all his rage and warmth. Smoke released out of the flame and it childishly danced around the room. The blonde could see the fire in the younger's eyes and the pain was well portrayed on his face and his powers. He caressed his face again and slowly closed Jungkook's eyes with his hands while closing his own.

"Everything is going to be alright..."

A change was seen in their surroundings and the blonde sighed in relief. The ferocious flames of the fire died down and only the glimmering embers were left. Nothing was harmed except Jungkook. Everything was safe which brought up confusion in Taehyung but he shrugged it off and held Jungkook more tightly.
The ginger tiredly opened his eyes and tightly held Taehyung's waist.

"I am tired hyung..."


Author-san: "Woah woah woah!
Who would believe this potato person would write such a chapter while learning for exams!
I was so shocked that I wrote 1348 words of pain. Like seriously?!?
I am practicing my writing and do you think that it improved?
I tried so hard on this chapter and hopefully it pleases you!
Thanks so much for 150+ freaking reads I am so shocked!! °∆°
And Thanks so much for the votes!
I am still not getting much comments, I seriously need friends! 😅


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