Chapter 29

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ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴɢ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ! ^^


The dim candle light flickered on and off on the table due to the wind gushing in the library from the wide palace window. It wasn't a problem when the flame had completely vanished because a finger was snapped on top of it, causing the light to shine again. Jungkook was awake, staring into the dark sky with wonder. Yes, it was late at night but he didn't care, one; he didn't had any work to do the next day and two;  his deep thoughts.

His hand held a blue notebook, with his index finger in between the two pages to not lose the chapter he was reading. The night sky was really wide and he wondered how many people were out there looking at it? If they were, were they appreciating the shining globe in the middle? Because to him it was beautiful, the light it casted upon the earth and the way it was perched up on top of the sky like the Emperor. It was radiant. His thoughts were clear when he gazed at the object called the moon.

All Jungkook could do these days was just think. Think about how his life seemed crumpled and messed up. Either way, even if he'd go back to his palace, he wouldn't be needed around much but he thought about it deeply.

Was it because of his own cowardice?

He knew he was scared, afraid of his powers but pushing away family members just because of that one problem disturbed him in and out. Even if he took one step forward he was scared of the other step he'd left behind.

His heart.

Whenever Jungkook closed his eyes the image that appeared in front of him was because of his heart responding to his feelings. The physique made his stomach churn, his mind would go blank and he would feel a strange type of warmth in his body. Not the warmth he was familiar with, not the warmth that he wanted to get rid of. It was a nice kind of warmth and he expected it to be there forever before the blade rips it apart.

No, he didn't want the blade to be even a meter near him. He didn't want that to be the consequence of the murder of his feelings. But what else will he get? He had been weakening himself furthermore when his thoughts go forward towards the future assumptions. He just couldn't stop. The rules and the laws, they seemed stupid to him but in the matter of other way he believed they were also true.

Jungkook sighed and turned his back around, he walked towards the chair and sat on it. Opening the book back again and smiling at the words written on the old yellowed paper. He was marveled by the writing and the work of the book. No,  it wasn't from the library at all. It was the book that Yoongi had given him early in the morning and he had hid it in the study room later to not have the members of the palace grew suspicious of him having the certain forbidden book in his hands.

It was Yoongi's diary, something that the older had hidden from the outside world.
Jungkook had seen it a couple of times and was curious about it but the ravennette never showed it to him. It was quite interesting to know that Yoongi knew how to read and write but the most amazing thing was that he wrote something which eased Jungkook's panicked hormones.

[Yoongi's diary]

Entry #3

Title: Self-Conscious

I remember those times when my mind was terribly disturbed. I started doubting myself, asking why was I different? Why didn't I felt something towards women?
Was I a curse to people's lives?

ᴛʜᴇ sɴᴏᴡ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ || тaeĸooĸOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz