Chapter 31

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Weeks had passed — February coming nearer and the sudden realization of the war being held soon enough had brought up an uncountable amount of frightened emotions collide with Taehyung's physique. He wasn't fond of making enemies or cutting ties off of family or any person in general. Although, the world isn't a piece mark, killings, fights and arguments are a basic choice to prove their rights. Not that he could do anything about it, surging of the fear in his body had him tangled with no relief and he was stuck between what's a necessity and what's his exit route.

"Have you chosen your armor yet?" Hoseok double-checked with him and then when his contemplating expression appeared after seeing Taehyung cross legged on the garden stoop, staring off into the dark and grim sky — the orange haired boy sighed. "Why so glum?" He asked, sitting beside the prince, and looking at him with concern laced onto him and Taehyung couldn't help but give a small smile at the care regarding towards his hooded look.

"I have been worse hyung," he replied "This is nothing"

"No Taehyung, this is the worse you have ever been, judging you have that greater ability of hiding your emotions. Think before who you lie to"

Taehyung chuckled with a sigh in the end. He turned his head upwards and hummed, looking at the cloud filled sky like it's artful and beautiful and forgetting the fact that it could be a warning towards storm. Maybe even a tornado which wasn't quite on the same level with the tornadoes that had formed in his head. "I am thinking about the war,"
He finally revealed with a bore look.

"It's held tomorrow prince" Hoseok informed with a small smile "I know you will do good, have faith"

Taehyung hummed, not promising to do just that. He slumped down his body and rested his elbows on his thighs and placed his palm below his chin. "They say dying for your rights is considered brave. Looking back at my ancestor's death like Great, Great, Great, Great Aunt Hyeina and her husband. It would be an incredible historic post if I died, right?"

Hoseok laughed; finding amusement in Taehyung's unthoughtful words as if the boy had been going dumber and dumber each passing second. "This war isn't even a complicated issue. It's just some sort of lousy war for Arthur. His aim is just to spill out your secret of icy powers that his suspicions point to, and this wouldn't count as a remarkable historic or anything in that field. Don't you know?"

Taehyung grumbled under his breathe and shook his head. Not even agreeing because what Hoseok told differs from his alignment of thoughts. "No," He continues "That isn't at all why I want to die. And of course I know that some stupid war such as this isn't putting me in a remarkable position"

"Then what all do you mean?"

Hesitating to answer but wanting to spill out Taehyung gulped and looks away at the butterfly fluttering across in the vast sky. "I could be known by commiting a sin hyung" He said "They could call me a sinner and they'd know me as the kind of person struggling for his rights, even if in their eyes it's wrong"

He knew he didn't make sense, Taehyung knew that ups and downs in his words put Hoseok in mazes of assumptions but he didn't want to jump in a pit of details. The blonde sighed.

"I don't know what you mean," Hoseok said with a stammer "But I won't push you further more"

Taehyung emotionally hummed and looked at him with a bore gaze.

"Thank you"


"We should leave then" Jungkook declared, grabbing Yoongi's arm and staring at him determined. "If you are feeling grim then we should leave"

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