Chapter 34

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Just as Jungkook stepped inside the infirmary he was devastated to find quite a lot of injured soldiers having laid down on tons of beds, looking lifeless as corpses, sniveling and whimpering at the slight touch of alcohol infected cotton balls that the medics provided on their injured skins. The doctors were hurrying here and there, chaos was filled inside the room with wails and cries. Few women were taken out the doors when they were bawling their eyes out over dead families. It was all such a bad sight to watch.

"G-Gently please...bloody-Ah!" Jungkook swiftly turned his head to the side, a familiar face was seen through the crowd and was being taken care of secluded on a make shift mattress that was actually a large cloth.

"H-Hyung?" Jungkook managed to ask Seokjin who had a cowered head and looked pale and weak with his mouth trying to spit out curses as the wet cloth came in contact with his head. He had large gashes across his shoulder blades, blood still not clotted, and his skin was not as healthy as it seemed before.

"A-A-Arthur is such— ah! S-such a cruel man. Filthy and nasty, thought he could defeat the prince so easily and cheated on us b-by befriending Gwangju, that shit!"

Jungkook gulped down a huge load of stickiness that settled in his throat. He stared horrified at the many wailing and weak men surrounding the bustling infirmary as the older spoke out his curses non-stop, he didn't know what to feel at the sudden surprise of the army. Just as Jin ushered him about the war being as easy as a piece of cake but the outcome was something he didn't expected. He was terrified. Very.

"What happened Jin hyung?" He heard Yoongi speak out from behind him with a wary tone that was carefully released, maybe his butler was also scared but wasn't showing it to not cause more fright to Jungkook.

"Arthur brought in Prince Seojoon from Gwangju who had a-attacked us from n-nowhere...We weren't even ready and tried fighting two kingdoms at the most. We were just four thousands and they eight or nine. Even our formation was an arch, thinking-" He heaved out a deep sigh, "thinking it'd be enough towards a kingdom as small as the nasty Arthur's. Namjoon and the Prince worked harder and got injured the most. Especially Joonie." Seokjin said the last sentence in a whisper, gaze weakening as he reached out to fiddle with his thumbs
"Arthur. The shit is not only cruel but a whole selfish prat!" Seokjin looked up and Jungkook could sense the firing anger he smoldered. To say that it was wrong of the man to do it was something Jungkook would never agree to say.

"Where is T-Taehyung?" He tried to ask calmly, heart hammering wildly on his rib cage. Just thinking about a weak blonde had his sweat dripping down his forehead. He was afraid, so very afraid.

"In the secluded room, down in the basement." Seokjin said with a soft sigh when the bandage was tied tightly onto his head and he, again fiddled with his fingers sadly. "If you are going to meet Joonie, say him I said sorry."

Jungkook didn't understand a thing but was suddenly pulled through the piles of crowded people by the ravennette. "This way-" Yoongi went in forward, pulling him safely aside the fallen groaning soldiers on the ground to whom Jungkook muttered apologies and went on forward with a horrible face that paled at the thought of his Taehyung being seen weak.

"It's fine Jungkook, take long breathes. Blondie is..umm...w-well, he told me to call you as soon as he was being taken through the palace gates-"

"But why?! Why didn't you tell me they were supposed to come today?! Why?!" He yelled out in anger, pulling the short man back with angered and desperate teary eyes.

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