Chapter 10

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The ravennette was really annoyed at the moment. He wanted to punch or push the male away from his vision. He secretly wished he would have been a rock at the moment and gagged at something the younger had said which-honestly, he didn't really hear due to the fact that he was thinking just to get away and be alone.
He saw Taehyung and Jungkook laughing at him while he grumbled and pushed Jimin away who kept saying that he wanted to talk to him.

"Go away shortie!"

He said grumpily and was about to go past him but the brunette surprisingly lifted him up and turned him around and pouted angrily.

"Yah! I just wanted to talk to you!"

"We have talked enough, Go and talk with The birthday boy or Jungkook... I don't really care just leave me alone!"

Jungkook noticed and smiled widely and back hugged Yoongi.
"Hyungie~ you should be happy that someone wants to be your friend. You do remember how Everytime we will be meeting other royals they would push you away. Just be honored and go with the flow"
Jimin stared at them confused, not really understanding what was going on but was suddenly called by Hoseok and he hurriedly went away not before waving a 'bye'.

"Taking advise from you would be last in my list my Dongsaeng"

Yoongi said and rolled his eyes while Jungkook backed away.
Taehyung giggled and stared at the two boys, excitement filling his organs.
"I wouldn't mind if you want to sleep Yoongi Hyung. We can arrange that, you can rest"
Yoongi snapped his attention at the blonde staring deeply into his almond eyes.
He tilted his head a little and pierced his gaze more deeper while coming closer to the younger, inch by inch.
"Thank you very much... For making Jungkook feel better" He mumbled and sighed softly as he turned his gaze back to Jungkook, smiling sympathetically.

"I was damn scared that he would cry again and lose control... I really owe you"
Taehyung giggled and shook his head rapidly and laughed.
"I am sorry. It's just that you suddenly became a softie which was so cute. But overall I think that I owe you as I am finally getting around crossing paths with new friends. It's really exciting!"
Yoongi hummed and quickly looked down, Inhaling deeply. Taehyung frowned and patted his back.
"Chill! I will try my best in teaching him!"
Yoongi suddenly felt goosebumps at his back when Taehyung's hand touched it, it felt as if cold and freezing ice was being dropped at his warm and pale skin.

"Hyung is everything ok?"

Jungkook worriedly looked at the ravennette who flinched and pushed Taehyung's hand away shivering.

"You are seriously making me 'Chill'?"
He shivered and hugged himself in order to feel warm. Taehyung laughed and nodded.
"Did you think that I was joking?"

"Yah! I thought that was meant to be an expression"

Yoongi's eyes darkened in frustration.
The blonde kept his hands out in defense and giggled.

"Sorry. Anyways, I will be going, Jungkook Take care and you too Hyung!"
He walked away to the throne and stood in beside his mother who suddenly started talking with him.

Yoongi sighed and plopped down on a chair that was nearby, Jungkook mimicked the action, sitting next to the ravennette.
Yoongi inhaled and exhaled and looked at the ginger who confusingly stared at him.
"Promise me Jungkook that you are going to try your best and learn to control your powers. Promise me you will try to be happy. Promise me that you will love your grumpy hyung no matter what!" He said as if he was rapping making Jungkook laugh.
"I.... promise suga hyung"
He hugged the ravennette who ruffled his hair and gummy smiled.

"I am sorry if I wasn't able to make you feel better. I am sorry I am not good at comforting people. I am sorry I am always that grumpy but always remember that I really care about you and wants the best for you. I will always support you with every decision you take, be it that you want to be a crybaby!" Jungkook whined, laughing and hugged the older tighter.

"I know hyung. I know both you and Namjoon hyung really cares for me and you both should know I am the luckiest boy in the world to have the best older brothers even if they aren't brothers by blood or brothers by royalty. You two mean a lot to me-"
"Now if your dramatic scene is over, you wouldn't mind coming to the dining hall to eat dinner. Right?"
The two males looked up in surprise at the dark green haired who was standing before them, smiling, showing off his dimples.
"Oh! Mon Hyung! Where were you?"
Jungkook's eyes lit up and he quickly stood up, staring at Namjoon with bunny eyes.
"I was busy. Nothing exciting. Anyways, your parents wanted to talk to you and as the guests are going out soon they thought they could talk to you personally. Come on! Yoongi hyung you too"
Yoongi groaned and stood up walking lazily towards the dining hall like a grandpa with cramps in his back. Namjoon sighed and motioned Jungkook to follow him who gladly accepted and followed him like a little puppy.

The Jeons and the Kims were seated on the large dining hall with delicacies already served in front of them.
Yoongi stood by Jungkook's side while Jimin stood by Taehyung's side who were both already seated. The two Royal guards; Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon of each kingdom were standing by the main chair in which King Kim was seated with his head held up high. Hoseok stood by Queen Kim who was smiling and Jungkook now knew where Taehyung had gotten that smile from. He chuckled in his mind, admiring how similar they looked. He even remembered how his Mother had once said him that his eyes and nose were similar to hers. He sighed and played with the meat on his plate, twirling it around. He was already bored.

"It's an honour King Jeon that you and your family have agreed on coming on my son's birthday!" King Kim spoke out of the blue, gaining attention of the calm people.
"It's all my pleasure. I am really happy you're ready to help me with it though. I really was worried about it but thank you so much to both you and Prince Taehyung"
Jungkook hitched uncomfortably understanding exactly what his father was saying. That 'It' referred to his problem. The uncontrollable fire that he held which burned him and broke him into pieces.
Yes it.

He glanced over to his mother who was chewing her food calmly and was looking down at her plate. She didn't moved her gaze up the whole time which confused him.
He tilted his head to his left only to spot Yoongi who was also staring down at his own feet. This made him feel nervous.
The only way he would feel better is after observing Namjoon's reaction only if it is different than others.

Let's do this!

He turned to his right again and saw Namjoon. His Jaw dropped as he started to feel a gloomy atmosphere surrounded him.  He gulped and looked back down at his plate, his eyes shaking.
He felt them. His family. He understood something was serious, after all he knows them so well.

"...After seeing the improvement in him within a few hours, I am more than willing to let Jungkook stay here. Gomawo!"

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Author-san: Ugh!!! This chapter was really crappy. I feel terrible! I am really sleepy and tired, as I am studying continuously and preparing for exams which are soon to come.
Also I wanted to share this GIF with you:

Also I wanted to share this GIF with you:

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Ah~ Jimin is such a cutie. 😂😄
I hope this made your day.
Also, I don't really know who all are reading my Fanfiction. If somebody is reading this out there. Please don't be a silent reader and comment, vote and follow and become my friend.

Jal-gah~ 🤗

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