Chapter 15

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Sun slowly drowned in the sky allowing the Moon to take its place as the colours of the sky started changing into an orange-bluish colour. It was a beautiful sight and as much as the ginger wanted to stay but he also knew he had to go away to eat dinner as well.

A deep sigh left his lips when he stood up from the bench in the balcony and made his way towards the tall doors with heavy blue curtains. Gently, he moved the curtains away and slowly walked towards his room where Yoongi stood by the bed, unfolding the clothes that had arrived from his kingdom and taking them to the closet room. Jungkook was already in his pyjamas so he didn't really had to change or anything.

"Jungkook, Your Majesty has sent you new clothes as a sorry present"

The ginger only shrugged and sat down on the desk near the windows and pulled the drawer where some papers and books were placed, taking a paper out and taking a feather and an ink pot out from another drawer below it; he placed it on the table.

"Yoongi hyung bring my dinner in the room"

He ordered and gently dipped the feather in the ink and positioned it on the paper, moving it swiftly as a line trailed behind from it.

The ravennette turned his head into Jungkook's direction and nodded, not knowing why did Jungkook had a change in his mood but nevertheless he ran out of the room to bring back the desired needs.

The ginger was almost done with the work he started when a knock was heard on the door including a voice from behind.

"Come in"

The door opened really slowly by Yoongi who had just arrived while pushing the cart with the food on it, he silently placed the food on the small table in the room, perfectly.

"Jungkook, the food is ready"

The ginger stood up and walked towards the table as he tucked a napkin in his collar and sat down.

His hands trembled as he picked the chopsticks and positioned them in his hand while trying his best to pick up the cooked lamb that was just placed in his plate.

"King Kim was disappointed that you didn't came to the dining hall for dinner"

The ginger didn't replied and continued fiddling with the chop sticks.

"What about Prince Taehyung?"

Jungkook asked and looked up at yoongi who had a not-so-surprised expression.

"He was fine with it"

Jungkook only hummed and looked down at his plate and gulped. With much effort he plopped the meal in his mouth and chewed it quickly and took another bite and then another until he was full.

Jungkook pushed the plate aside and dabbed his mouth with the napkin and then placed it back on the table before getting back up and helping Yoongi put the plates and utensils back in the cart.

Yoongi noticed the tensed behaviour in Jungkook and placed his hand on his shoulder while looking deep into his eyes.

"Jungkook-ah Blondie guy will help you, don't worry. I trust him. Your parents apologized through the letter didn't they? Everything is going fine! Have faith"

The ginger gave a small smile and pushed Yoongi away and pulled the cart out of the room with the ravennette following behind.

"I am just fine hyung. Although you didn't sleep again"

"Kid, don't worry about me, worry about the time when King Kim will find out that you help the servants of the palace, being a prince "

Jungkook chuckled lightly and shook his head before heading towards the kitchen.

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