Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24 of Heartbreaker.

| Bethany's POV; |

Eight days....

Eight days left before shit will get real. I'm so nervous, scared, anxious.. The end is near, no fucking way.

"Hey sis, you okay?" Selena asked worriedly. I nodded, "Yeah." She looked at me still unsatisfied.

"I'm okay Sel. Don't worry," She sighed and nodded, "Okay." I smiled weakly.

I went upstairs and went in Gracie's room and saw her with my mom carrying her. Justin's in the studio, yeah. He's a busy guy.

"Hey mom, can I carry her?" I asked. She nodded and I took her. "Why don't you take a nap first mom? I have no work until 8pm so I'm free with Gracie,"

"You sure?" I nodded. "Yup,"

"Okay. Wake me up when something's wrong," I nodded and watched mom as she went upstairs. I grinned at Gracie and made a funny face, she smile. I kissed her cheek and blew on her tummy making a fart noise.

Oh Gracie. I wanna eat you.

"Hey Bert." I greeted my music producer and Justin and him did their handshake. "Shall we?" I nodded, "We shall. I grinned cheekily, they both chuckled.

After two hours of making the soundtrack. I pulled out my journal and chose a perfect lyrics. "Good job Beth!" Bert said as I went out of the vocal booth.

"Thanks," I smiled. We just finished the half of the song because it's already midnight. "So tomorrow again, 8pm, sharp!" I nodded. "Yeah, okay. See you!"

"Bye guys!" Bert said. "Bye!" We hopped in the car and luckily there are no paparazzi's.

Justin parked the car infront of the restaurant and said, "Shall we?" I giggled and nodded, "We shall." We both hopped out and we went in hand and hand.

"Table for two sir?" The waiter asked. Justin nodded, "Yeah."

"Right this way." He said as led us to the table. We sat and the waiter gave our menus and walked away. "What do you think?" Justin asked.

"I think I'll go with their spaghetti."

"Always spaghetti huh?" He smirked. I grinned, "How about you?"

"I'll have the same." I nodded and the waiter came towards our table. "Hello ma'am, sir. I'm Adam, I'll be your waiter for tonight. Let's start with the meals ma'am, sir. What would you like?"

"We'll take the spaghetti." Justin spoke. "Drinks sir?"

"Coke sounds good?" I nodded. "How about deserts sir? Would you like to order?" Justin looked at me with his eyebrows raised and smirked.

I nodded smiling, "Yeah, I'll have the strawberry ice cream."

"How bout you sir?"

"I'll have vanilla,"

"Is that all ma'am, sir?" We nodded. "Yeah."

"Your orders will be serve in any minute." He said and walked away. I looked at Justin, he chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked. He laughed loudly, making some customers look at us.

"Stop it!" I said and threw a napkin at him. I heard the girl who's between 16/17 giggled beside our table.

I smiled sheepishly at her and family. Wait, who does go out with her parents in the middle of the night?

"Sorry he's so embarrassing." I told them and hid my face on my hands. "Justin, you're so embarrassing." He stopped laughing and said, "Hey!"

"Look they are staring at you," I said pointing at the family next to our table. He smiled sheepishly and waved, "Hi."

"Can we take a picture later?" The girl asked. I nodded, "Yeah sure. Do you have vine? We can record severals later," I smirked and winked.

"Okay." The girl said and smiled widely. "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you. I'll you a hug later but right now our food is coming," Justin said. She laughed lightly and said, "Okay."

"You'll get me fat." I heard Justin mumbled.

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