Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 of Heartbreaker.

\\Beth's POV//

I went in my room, feeling weak then laid on my bed. I stared blankly at the ceiling then Selena went in my room and smiled. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly as she sat beside me.

I choked into tears, "Sel, I can't do the deal anymore. I don't wanna hurt Justin,"

"But Beth-"

"Sel, for fuck sake, will you please stop being selfish?! We are hurting Justin and mostly you are hurting me!" I yelled.

"But you said yes!"

"Yes, I said yes but fucking hell Sel, what kind of sister are you?! Do you even fucking think?! I fucking love Justin and it hurts to so much everytime I remember that deal!"

"I-I'm sorry Beth," I shook my head and opened the door, seeing Justin looking hurt and angry. "J-Justin?" He looked at me and Selena, he clenched his jaw and walked away.

"Justin!" I sobbed and ran after him. I went outside feeling the raindrops on me. "Stop! Let me explain!" He stopped and turned around, facing me.

"What? So you're gonna tell me that you didn't mean it and you're sorry?!" He exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, I was wrong!"

He shook his head, "So wrong Beth. So wrong,"

"I wasn't thinking that day! I-"

"Do you even love me? Did you even love me?"

"Yes! I do love you with my whole heart!" I cried. "Then why did you do it!?" He yelled. I started sobbing. he shook his head then said, "I though you were different from your sister but I was wrong. You two are literally sisters,"

"I don't love you."

I sat on my bed, panting. I could feel my tears streaming down. I wiped my tears and seat then check my phone, 3;40 am.

I grabbed my Nike Roshe running shoes and slipped them on. I grabbed my phone and my car keys. I went out of the house then hopped in my car then drove off.

I stopped in a random street, I sighed loudly and broke down crying. I put my head on the steering wheel and started sobbing uncontrollably. "Please forgive me." I sobbed.

I wiped my tears, still sobbing.

I need someone to talk to.

I turned on the engine and drove off. "Beth?" Miley's sleepy voice greeted me as she opened the door. I started sobbing again, "Beth? What's wrong?" She asked as she hugged me, I hugged her back and cried harder.

"What's wrong Beth?" She asked softly, as we sat on the couch. I wiped my tears and told her my dream. "Oh dear," She sighed and hugged me

"What am I gonna do?" She rubbed my back and pulled back, "Do the right thing. Tell him,"

"Okay you're gonna hurt his feelings but hey, at least you told him the truth, instead of he'll know it by the deadline. Just tell him sooner okay?" I nodded.

She smiled tiredly, "Okay. You go to sleep, I need more sleep." I chuckled and nodded, "Okay." She smiled once more then went upstairs. I sighed and laid on her couch. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

"Yes! After how many months I finally won!" Justin cheered. I chuckled lightly, "It's just luck." He playfully rolled his eyes. I just smiled.

He sighed and sat next to me. "You've been acting weird since morning babe, what's wrong?" I shook my head, "Nothing, this is nothing."

"You can tell me."

I smiled lightly, "Seriously, this is nothing."

"You sure?" I nodded. "Sure."

"Okay." He said and kissed my forehead. "You hungry? Wanna eat something?" I nodded and smiled, "Yeah. Just sandwich that's all," He nodded. "Okay." He said and went out of the game room.

I sighed and laid on the sofa.

\\Justin's POV//

Beth's been acting weird since this morning.

I wonder why...

I put our sandwiches on the plate and took two bottles of water then went upstairs. I went in the game room and she isn't there. "Babe?" I called out.

"In here!" I heard her say in the hallway. I went out and saw the Movie room is open. I went in and saw her typing on her phone while her feet on the coffee table, her hair is in a nun while she's wearing my shirt and some pajama shorts.

I smiled and put the plate and the bottles on the table and sat beside her. She took our sandwiches and scooted a bit far away from me.

I sighed and took mine.

\\Beth's POV//

It hurts to see Justin sad but hey, a little space won't hurt right?

I sat up, exhaling. The movie ended three hours ago and it's 3:30am.

Thinking about that deal makes me wanna curl up in my closet and stay there for the rest of my life.

I looked at Justin, he looks like an angel. He looks so peaceful.

I covered my mouth as my lips trembled. I can't hurt him. He's too innocent and...broken.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed quietly. I but my lip and caressed his cheek softly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you so much, please believe me."

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