Santina: Ice Cream

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Kind of a Brittana/Tike one-shot, but it's more Santana and Tina interacting. Set in the summer before season 3.

Santana didn't really spend much time with Tina and Mike, but when she did, they never ceased to entertain her. They were also the only members in the glee club besides Brittany that she actually wanted to hang out with. Rachel was too... Rachel. Finn was an asshole. Kurt was too wrapped up in Blaine. Puck was probably going to try and make a move on her since he didn't know about her lady lover. Quinn was a bit on the crazy side. Artie was her current girlfriend's ex, and she was carrying a bit too much bad blood with him to want to spend time with him. Mercedes had this new thing with Sam, and Santana knew better than to ruin their little honeymoon phase, especially since Sam was supposed to leave before the school year started.

Tina and Santana made an unexpected friendship over the summer when the Asian found out about the lesbian's... lesbianism. Tina swore not to tell anyone that she saw Brittany and Santana's date, and for that the Latina was grateful.

Which led them to this... watching their significant others at the dance studio. Tina would normally be jealous that Mike was dancing with his ex right in front of her, but that wasn't the case for this scenario because his ex's current girlfriend was sitting right beside her, ironically sharing a tub of ice cream.

"I'm gonna get super fat while Britt gets super muscular. Not that she's not already fit, but like, she'll get more fit. And here I am. Eating ice cream. Good thing she loves me no matter what, right?" Santana commented as she shoved spoonful after spoonful of the chocolate ice cream.

"Amen sis," Tina laughed. "Don't let Coach Sylvester see you eating that, though. She'll kick you off the team for sure."

"Relax, it's summer break. She can't touch me when I'm not in school. At least not legally," Santana rubbed the back of her neck.

"Knowing her, she'll probably find some way to punish you," Tina said, and Santana had to agree.

"Wanky," she replied instead before directing her attention to her beautiful girlfriend. Tina looked back at her equally beautiful boyfriend. Brittany and Mike were such beautiful specimens, wow.

"They're really really good," Tina sighed as the dancing pair practically floated over the air gracefully, each step, each movement well-rehearsed.

"You can say that again," Santana also sighed, stuffing another spoon of ice cream in her mouth.

"They're really really good," Tina repeated.

"I didn't mean literally say it again," Santana chuckled. That was another thing that she enjoyed about Tina. The Asian was effortlessly humorous, and never failed to give Santana a tiny laugh occasionally.

Tina snatched the ice cream from the Latina's hands and very slowly began spooning it into her mouth. At Santana's glare, Tina shot her a challenging look. One that said "whatcha gonna do about it?"

"Thief!" Santana accused before lunging toward her and attempting to steal it back, but Tina had already pulled it from her reach. "Give it back!"

"My boyfriend bought it for me. I was generous enough to let you take a couple bites," Tina attempted to reason, but Santana was Santana and didn't listen to reason when it involved her precious ice cream.

"You little-" the lesbian borderline growled as she continued to leap for her ice cream, but Tina had managed to dodge her and run away, all the while making sure she took a few bites of the ice cream throughout their little fight.

"You'll have to come and get- oof!" Tina suddenly felt like she hit a brick wall when her face collided with Mike's chest. "Oh, um, hey there, babe."

Santana hooted in victory as she yanked the ice cream from Tina's grip and ate it all before it could be stolen again. "Thank you, Michael Robert Chang."

"You're welcome?" He scratched his sweaty head in confusion as his girlfriend glared at him menacingly.

"Mike!" She whined. "You let the enemy steal the ice cream that you bought me! You're such a traitor."

"The enemy...?" He trailed off before slumping his shoulders with a sigh in resignation. He was way past trying to understand what Tina said to him sometimes. "Look, I'll just buy you another tub of ice cream, I don't get the problem."

"The problem," Tina seethed, "is that you let Santana steal my ice cream!"

"Fine then, I guess you don't want that ice cream then," Mike shrugged nonchalantly.

"No!" Tina protested in exasperation.

"I'll take it if Tina doesn't!" Santana raised her hand before belching rather loudly.

"That was the single grossest thing ever," Brittany scrunched up her nose. "But somehow you made it adorable."

"Says you! You're all sweaty and stinky. Take a shower," Santana crossed her arms over her chest.

"Only if you join me," the blonde smirked, knowing exactly how to get on Santana's good side with just a few words.

"Mike, I'll need to ask you for a rain check on that ice cream," Santana hardly spared him a glance before grabbing her girlfriend's hand eagerly and leading them away, leaving Tina and Mike alone.

"Oh jeez, I don't think that image is ever coming from my head," Tina grimaced, and Mike just laughed.

"Do you think that if I buy you ice cream, the image will go away?" He suggested.

"Won't know until we try!" Tina excitedly bounced as she brought him toward the front door.

"Wait, I need to take a shower," Mike stuttered out, but Tina didn't give a care.

"Who cares about showers when there's ice cream?"

"I care! Hey, you should be glad I'm the kind of guy that cares about hygiene. I can't say that about a lot of other guys I know," he tried to convince her, but it was obvious that the only thing on her mind was the promise of food.


What's this? An update from me? The world must be ending. Sorry for being so late on an update, I've had the history's worst writers' block and no motivation whatsoever. Winter break has just finished, so you probably won't get an update for a while again. I'll apologize for that in advance.

I hope you enjoyed, and if you did, please comment and vote! Happy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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