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Over the Alantic Ocean

The soft rustling of an airplane engine can be heard. The soft tapping of a finger on an armrest was audible. The snores of sleeping passengers, the whispering of wide-awake passengers where loud enough for a blue ear to twitch. A peached hand picks up a box. He spoke softly with his semi-gruff voice. Though he didn't speak physically as if this was his future self narrating the past.

" They told me ' Son, you're special. ' "

Those soft, yet rough hands open the box to reveal pictures inside. The right hand grabs the top one, and gently rubs the young girl and boy in the photo. 

" ' You're born to do great things. ' "

This was Sonic the hedgehog, and today- err, tonight, he was visiting his family. He longed to see his sister and brother, Sonia and Manic the hedgehog again. The plane started to shake.

" You know what? They were right. "

It all happened so fast. Now, Sonic was unconcious, slowly falling deeper into the cold depths of the water. He suddenly gains concious once more and swins above the water. He gasped for the precious air, before looking around his surroundings. Parts of the plane that he was just on were on fire.

He started to make his way to a lighthouse he saw in the not so far distance. He swam past by dead bodies, took important needs out of floating suitcases, and dodge the fire as much as possible.

Was this real life right now? Was the plane crash just a dream? No, it felt too real for the fastest thing alive.

He finally gets to shore and pulls himself up onto the land. He takes a second just to stand and take a breather. Sonic dig struggle a bit as he swan, since he wasn't the best. He then proceeded to make his way to the entrance.

Sonic felt cautious all of the sudden. This place gave off weird vibs, and he did not like it, at all. He went inside and immediately saw a golden statue of a man. There was a tattered red banner across the top. It read:

No Gods or Kings,
Only Man

Sonic shuddered a bit. That quote made him feel uneasy. He goes down the steps and sees a door. He opens the door and goes inside.

Inside, there were buttons and infront of him was a glass window. He could see lights in the distance. What exactly was he in? The thing started to move on a track as he stared out the window. There was audio playing from a small, boxed tv above him.

The man's voice was gravily and deep. He listen to the audio of this " Andrew Ryan " person while looking straight ahead of the window. He was blocked with the picture of the man, the one called Andrew Ryan. He didn't know where he was going until the projection disappeared and the shade went up, making realization hit him.

It was a city,
A underwater city.

Sonic stared in amazement and shock as he went by the tall buildings. He stopped listening to the rambling man a while ago. He could see groups of fish swimming together, sharks of all kinds, and maybe a whale.

Something had caught his eye. It was a welcoming sign that read:

Welcome to Rapture

So, that was the city's name? Rapture? He gotten closer and closer to a building as he went inside. There was a abrupt stop. A few moments of silence was appreciated. The " bathysphere ", as it was called, started to move upwards.

As he went upwards to somewhere, he pondered:

This had to be some sort of dream.

As he was going up, he saw a pink hedgehog threatening a young bee.

" Please, lady... I didn't mean no trespass... Just don't hurt me... Just let me go... You can keep my gun... You can- "

The bee was frighten until the pink hedgehog suddenly pranced on him and killed the poor bee with hooked like weapons on her hands. The blue hedgehog was in shocked. The residents of this city acted like this??

The pink hedgehog looked at the dead body and searched it. Sonic was so frightened, he stepped back, causing some slight noise. The pink hedgehog's ears flickered and looked over at the bathysphere.

Uh oh.

Then, the pink hedgehog breathes heavily as she said something. Sonic's ears flickered, he pretended not to hear it but he could pick up what she was saying.

" Is it someone new? "

Soon, the pink and crazy hedgehog was out of sight. Sonic sighed, thinking he was finally safe until the thing started to shake. A terrible shriek could be heard.

There was a horrible scratching noise. The pink hedgehog was trying to get in! Sonic prayed to himself that he would just give up and leave.

There was a moment of silence. Was the pink hedgehog gone? After 10 minutes of silence, Sonic assumed it was safe to leave. He opened the glass window/door that was infront of him. He didn't leave the bathysphere quite yet, just for his own safety.

What did he exactly get himself into now? He only wanted to visit his family. 

Published: September 22, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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