Chapter 15: Neptune's Bounty

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The red lights soon turned off, now a calm blue and grey in the room. Hands held tightly together, guns in the other hands as their faces held a serious tone. Their ears twitched, the announcer came on telling the, no longer sane, people of Rapture that the security alert was now deactivated, thanking the people for their patience. The sound of silence was peaceful as the boxed TVs showed a ' Please Stand By ', but soon, the silence was interrupted by the voice of Atlas as the two friends let their hands go.

" I don't know how you two managed it, but you did. Come through to Port Neptune now. I'm looking forward to shaking both your hands. "

Sonic looked at Shadow and vice versa, both being proud at the fact that they became comrades and now friends in Medical Pavilion. Sonic smiled at the ebony hedgehog, proud at the fact that he has changed so much. Shadow smiled, proud at himself for being a now better mobian and finding someone else to care for, after all, it's what Maria would have wanted. Both took a deep sigh, relief escaping them, they would finally get out of this part of Rapture and go somewhere new. Both make their way to the to the Emergency Access, which leads into a Bathysphere. 

Sonic gets in and looks behind him, seeing Shadow smiling, noticing how he isn't getting in the bathysphere.

" Shadow, aren't you coming in? "

" I have my own ways getting into Port Neptune. "

Sonic muttered an alright, hugging the ebony one as he closed the door to the deep-dwelling machine. Sonic then walked over to the thing that would take him to his next destination and leading it to Neptune's Bounty. He closed his eyes sighs, his shoulders slumping as Sonic was finally able to relax in this god damn hellhole of a place. Sonic let the darkness take over his vision as he fell asleep.

Timeskip brought to you by a fun fact about Bioshock: 

 There's a Pac-Man reference hidden in Bioshock. There must an unspoken rule amongst video game creators that whenever possible, one must include a Pac-Man reference in their game. So That's kinda cool ( though from the many times I've played it, I never found it :C ). 

Sonic steps out of the bathysphere to gasp. In front of him, up some stairs was a splicer tied up, hanging in front of a pillar. The body was bloodied as the words ' Smuggler ' was written above it in the red substance. He pants, clutching his chest while chuckling awkwardly to himself to calm down. This sure was a dramatic entrance he wasn't expecting to look for that was one thing for sure. His radio turned on, hearing the oh so familiar sound of it turning on. 

" Now you've had the pleasure of Andrew Ryan's company. He's the one who built this place. and he's the one who run it into the ground. Nobody knows exactly what happened. Maybe he went on. Maybe power got him. Maybe he just decided he didn't like people. Whichever way you slice it, good men died. Me family's in a submarine hidden in the foundation of Fontaine's Fisheries. I'll meet you there.  "

Sonic found a machine gun nearby and picked it up, along with a round of bullets nearby. He was ready to explore this place and kill more splicers with his friend, and with a smirk, he passed by the body and vita chamber that's on the other side. Sonic goes over to a new vending machine he saw next to a Circus of Value vending machine. It was called Gene Bank but he doesn't want to use it right now. He checked the body next to the Gene Bank that looked like a Big Daddy's. Maybe it was a Rosie type that Shadow talked about earlier?

Speaking of Shadow, Sonic wondered where the hell his friend was. Sonic climbed up a fallen sign and jumped down from it, instantly hearing someone tweaking what seemed to be a camera. With a growing smile, he goes through the door to see a hallway with a shadow of a familiar female bat splicer that Sonic has met before. She hears the footsteps of Sonic and her shadow seems to look up. 

" What crawls in my garden? "

She almost growls. When Sonic got closer, she seemed to jump up into nowhere. He turned the corner to see a body with hooks nearby and fire on his right in a hole in the wall. Sonic searched the body before continuing on his quest to find Shadow. The blue hedgehog looked an entrance in the wall before seeing yellow eyes in it. He must've assumed this is where the little run off to after saying thank you to him. He saw a health station, hacked it after a time of failing, then healed his wounds. He went through the next door, hearing the female voice again.

" But the days go by like wind... "

He entered the Lower Wharf and saw Shadow, who just finished the hacking of the camera. Sonic tackles the ebony hedgehog, who was knocked back, looking to see who it was. Shadow smiled at the blue hedgehog and hugged back before hearing the creaking of floorboards. Both hedgehogs take out their machine guns as they listen closely. They saw a different looking Big Daddy as Shadow narrowed his eyes.

" A Rosie type Big Daddy. "

Shadow had gotten close and started shooting and attacking with his plasmid. Sonic started shooting, becoming Shadow's backup as the Rosie shoots at him with it's Rivet Gun. Sonic and Shadow had to admit that the Rosie type is much easier to deal with attack-wise, but movement-wise isn't so much easier with how fast this Big Daddy type is able to move. Once they kill it, Shadow scavenges the body as Sonic save the Little Sister. The little girl thanks Sonic as she ran off, then he turns to Shadow, questioning where the once Little Sisters go?

" They all go to Vanilla Tenenbaum, the one who founded ADAM and created Little Sisters. They all go to bronze things on the wall called Vents, where they go through a maze of Rapture to get to Tenenbaum. "

The blue hedgehog nodded, now understanding where they go. Soon, his radio turns on because of Tenenbaum this time. 

" You have shown kindness to my Little Ones... but are you really a friend to us? Regardless, a Little One brings you a gift to demonstrate our appreciation. "

Shadow stands up and sighs and looks at Sonic with a half-hearted smile as the blue hedgehog gives a tired smile, bags under his eyes. They were in a docking area, and Sonic being Sonic, wanted to find anything that was useful, meaning he wanted to go under the dock and scavenge for stuff in the muddy and gross waste. Shadow, with a doubtful look, watches as he jumps down and squat down and started walking around under the docks, yelling at what he found under there. So far, nothing too interesting, Shadow thought, that was until he heard a cry of pain from the blue hedgehog and a turret shooting him.

Shadow ran over, parkour over the railings and down into the mud, electrocuting it before hacking it. He looks over to Sonic and sees him laying there for a minute, hearing soft huffs, making Shadow panicked as his heart rate increases before he got up and gives the ebony hedgehog a thumbs up. Shadow sighed in relief and wiped his forehead as his heartbeat slows down. Once Shadow was done, he backed up into another splicer as he started shooting at them, killing the splicers in the room as Sonic continued looking.

What a day it has been for our hedgehog duo and their bloody adventure.

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