Chapter 10: Nicknames

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Shadow had solved the safe with no sweat at all, and it really did amaze Sonic a lot at how quickly he had done it too. Sonic had searched the place as Shadow followed behind, protecting him from any splicers that decide that they want to come out of hiding. Sonic went back to the place he got the audio diary and turned left to see a vending machine, well, something like that, Sonic wasn't quite sure, called a Gatherer's Garden. He saw a plasmid as he made his way towards it. He grabbed it and checked it out.  It was Telekinesis, so he read the description as always. 

Pick up big stuff with your mind. Throw them at your enemies. What else do you need to know? 

Sonic didn't like the sounds of that, but it would help him. He looks behind him and sees Shadow just looking around for bad guys. Every moment of being with Shadow made him realized that Shadow was starting to get better, he wasn't as crazy as when they first met. Though he was quieter now, barely saying a word and when he did, he usually mumbled it. Sonic went back to the plasmid and decided to use it. Apparently, he could only use 2 plasmids at a time unless he got more ADAM to inject into his body. He decided to replace his Electro Bolt since Shadow has his. 

As soon as they did that, both hedgehog's ears flickered, a splicer was coming. Shadow got ready as Sonic picked something up with his Telekinesis. Sonic threw the thing at the splicer as Shadow shot at it, both killing the splicer. Both looked at each other and nodded, it was time to leave the area. They left the area and both went left to a place whose doors wouldn't budge. As Shadow gotten angry and tried to break the door, Sonic tried another way by taking out his wrench and breaking the glass. The ebony splicer heard him and saw a cocky look on the azure hedgehog's face as he found a way in first. 

" Mmm, the boastful type, aren't we. "

" Oh, you're just mad because I found a way in first~ " 

Sonic stuck his tongue, but Shadow had thought up a perfect revenge. He leaned in as the azure hedgie was confused until Shadow had licked his tongue. Sonic blushed like a madman and started to split and wipe his tongue off on his sleeve. Shadow laughed at the moment as Sonic never in his life said so many ews. Sonic glared at the ebony mobian. 

" What the hell, Shadow??? "

" Well, it's was my perfect revenge, you were being cocky. So I put a stop to it~ "

Shadow booped his nose before as he went off to explore, leaving behind a very confused, yet flustered Sonic. Sonic hurried behind and looked around, apparently, the room they were in was called ' Painless Dental '. Sonic found it funny since dental isn't painless. He saw Shadow working on a turret, of course, as he searches the place. He went into the next room as steam came out of nowhere, making Sonic unable to see for a minute or two. Once it cleared, he searched the room for it's goods. 

He saw a desk with a teddy bear, audio diary, and Tonic. Jesus, he had been getting whole lotta diaries and Tonics lately. He listens in on the diary as he searches more before grabbing the Tonic.  

Tenenbaum ... sometimes I pity the little freak. Such a tiny imagination ... Content to sit there with her tanks of ADAM, tweaking and optimizing. I need to create ... ADAM is a canvas of genetic modification but Plasmids are the paint. "

This Suchong guy sounds as bad as Steinman Prowler. He checked out the Tonic, which was called ' Speedy Hacker ' which sounds like it was more for Shadow then himself. He decides to read the description. 

The most popular of the HackSmart line, Speedy Hacker buys you the time you need to Hack any electronic device. Time is on YOUR side with Speedy Hacker! 

Yeah, this sounded like it was more for Shadow than anything. He couldn't turn around and felt a heavy breathing that definitely did NOT belong to Shadow! He turns around, wrench in hand as he hits the doctor splicer in the face. Shadow came in and shot at the splicer before looking at Sonic. 

" Are you okay, Faker? "

" Yeah, I'm fine, kinda caught me off guard but fine otherwise. " 

Sonic smiled before walking up to Shadow and giving him the Tonic. 

" This would be very useful for you with all the hacking you do. " 

Shadow looks down and reads about the Tonic before putting it in his quills. Sonic was ready for the usual mumbled response until looked at him straight in the eyes. 

" Thank you. " 

Sonic was utterly shocked but in a good way. He smiled and gives him a small nod, he was glad to have a partner with him through this hellhole of an adventure. Sonic than found a vent while Shadow was busy with the body on that chair they usually have in dental offices. He opens it with his handy dandy wrench and crawls through it, making a left turn. He sees a female splicer, a fox, crying into her hands. With a sigh, the blue mobian got ready and came out, smashing it on her head. He made sure to end her miserable life as a splicer, and he felt almost nothing this time. Sonic was becoming numb to the emotional pain that Rapture's citizens were going through.

He almost felt like he was becoming more the splicer, and Shadow was becoming more the mobian In their partnership. 

He searched the corpse of the now dead fox, seeing if she had any goods in her pockets. He collect 7 dollars from her, than moved on to the desk and collected more things. Sonic finished searching the room before opening the door, soon finding out it was the door that wouldn't open before when he tried to opening it from the outside. He leaves the room as Shadow left the office, both looking at each other and nodding. Stabbing his wrist with more EVE was now nothing to him now as they both headed towards the left, away from their destination. 

Shadow searched the corpses laying around as Sonic entered a door that was working from the outside. Checking the cash register, Sonic decided he wanted to know where he was. 

" Hey Shadz, what's this place called? "

Not seeing the confused look on the hedgehog, he was getting irritated of not receiving his answer right away and it showed by the tapping of Sonic's right foot. 

" Shadz? 

Shadow turned around to look, realizing he was confused on the nickname. The now embarrassed blue chuckled awkwardly, understanding his mistake. 

" Well, you keep calling me Faker, so I thought I could call you somethin' too... "

The blue one looked away, bashfully as the ebony one has a light hazing of pink on his cheeks. Shadow cleared his throat, to get rid of the growing tension in the room.

" Well, we're in Chompers dental, Faker 

He responded, emphasizing the word Faker. Sonic scratched the far right of his cheek, sweat dropping at the fact that Shadow just did that.  They heard noises from a room on the left, and as they approached the door, of course, behind it was a splicer. Shadow started shooting at it as Sonic got his Incinerate and lit the splicer on fire. Both not realizing a camera was on their tail, security bots, or omochao bots started to fly in and shoot at them. Instinctively, Shadow pushed Sonic behind him, and though Sonic was a bit weirded and flustered at the gesture at the same time, he took out his shotgun and started to shoot at them. 

It was good few minutes of them of shooting and using their plasmids before the bots stopped coming at them. Both of them panting, they looked at each other.

" We should be more careful next time, shouldn't we Shadz? "

" Yeah. Well, I'll go hack the camera, go explore Faker. " 

And with that, both hedgehogs went on to do their own thing.

Published: January 6, 2019

Update: August 6, 2019

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