Chapter 31: More of Maria's Diaries

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// Edit: Hey, so I'm sorry but I think Wattpad glitched out me. I remember writing the full chapter but instead, it gave me the beginning. Weird. So here's the full chapter, I am so sorry I didn't check sooner.

Shadow took a minute to let Sonic rest. Shadow took a minute to let Sonic rest. After all, Sonic just claimed to see a ghost. Shadow didn't believe in ghosts but he knew something did happen to him. After all, Sonic wouldn't have done that if he was fine. Looking around Arcadia, he forgot how beautiful this place really was. Maria loved this place dear to her heart. Arcadia honestly made Shadow remember Maria's beauty. He smiles, he was glad that she could be alive and well somewhere around Rapture.

" Alright, let's get moving again. "

The ebony one looks down at the resting blue one.

" You sure? "

" Yeah, I'm sure. "

Sonic gets up and smiles at the ebony. Shadow blushes slightly as his heart beats a bit faster. What was this feeling, and why did it appear when Sonic smiled? Shaking his head a bit, he notices that the adapting hedgehog started to make his trek. Going through the automatic doors before going to the Japanese style ones, both hedgehogs had their guards up. Shadow looks to his right and notices a splicer shadow on the wall down the hall. Nudging Sonic, the emerald eyes follow his partner's before looking at him and pulling out their guns. They made their way down, as the plant life had taken over the place. Once they arrived, there was no sign of the splicer which made Shadow growl.

" Houdini Splicers... the most annoying and hardest ones to kill. "

Emerald eyes look at Shadow before at the spot where splicer should've been. Grabbing the two dollars on a mini shrine, Sonic stuffs it into his quills and looks at Shadow. The lighting made the ebony look like the most handsome model in the world... Sonic shakes his head while blushing. Why was he developing feelings for Shadow? Would the black hedgehog even like him back?

He couldn't let his heart be the lead on the situation. Because if so, he would be devastated when he leaves. He knows that Shadow wouldn't want to leave Rapture, even if he forced him. Sonic... couldn't fall in love, he would be heartbroken in the end.


Sonic goes to turn around, but he is stabbed as his eyes go wide. This wasn't his first time dying, but he didn't feel the pain last time as it was a quick death. Shadow shocks the splicer before shooting at it. The blue hedgehog collapses onto the floor, grunting in pain as he clutches his stomach. An iron taste forms in his mouth, as he notices a red stain growing in his shirt. His eyes blurred from the tears, as the sounds of fighting started to fade into nothing but a silent ringing. All he could hear besides the ringing was his shallow breaths. He swore, he could see his siblings there, concern and worry written all over their faces. Yet he knew it was an illusion. Warm hands graced themselves amongst the hedgehog's body. Unconsciously leaning into it, he knew it was Shadow. Sonic's eyelids had become heavy, and before he knew it, he had let death take him.

Shadow growls, with hints of snarling within in those growls but he knows that he could blame the splicer all he wanted to. He knew he should've kept an eye on Sonic, he had a gut feeling but he didn't listen. Picking up his partner, he needed to find the closest Vita chamber. He goes upstairs into a plant ridden lab? He was pretty sure it was a lab. Looking over to a desk, he sees an audio diary. As much as he needed to get Sonic to a Vita chamber, he also needed to calm himself down. He can't get worked, not around a place filled with enemies. Slinging Sonic's motionless body over his shoulder, he grabs the audio diary, turns it on and puts it on his belt. It was by a woman they never heard before: Julie Langford.

" Today Arcadia was closed off to all but paying customers. The man hires me to build a forest on the bottom of the ocean, and then turns a walk into the woods into a luxury. Ryan asked ' Should a farmer not be able to sell his food? ' ' Is a potter not entitled to a profit from his pots? ' I started to argue with the man then I remembered who signs my checks. Only thing worse than a hypocrite is an unemployed one. "

" Tch, typical Ryan. "

Shadow muttered as he made his way through automatic doors and around some corners with haste. He picks up some rounds as the small wooden bridge he's on lights up on fire on the oil. Growling, the black hedgehog didn't have time for this bullshit and jumped over the fire to get to the other side. He noticed that he was being shot at so he kept running, making sure Sonic;s body was okay. Taking out the shotgun, he starts blindly shooting at the splicer. He makes his way through another pair of automatic doors and quickly shoots the splicer down. Shadow really didn't want to deal with splicers, as he had a Vita chamber to look for. Shooting another splicer, Shadow could feel the rage build up within him. He was so close to rampaging through Arcadia.

He spots another audiobook, sticking out from behind the Circus of Value machine that sat against the wall. Grabbing it, he once again, he puts it on his belt and turns it on. This time it was a familiar voice he knew all too well.

" Hello once more, i'm going to assume that this is the same person listening. I am Maria Robotnik, and this is my second secret audio diary. I am here to guide and reveal the dark truths of this place called Rapture- "

Going down the hall, Shadow turns left into a room as the automatic doors open, he crouches when he sees the traps.

" I was being held kidnapped by an evil woman known as Sofia Lamb. She was a physiatrist here at Rapture. But she believes that my blood will be able to handle ADAM. Although I am not a prepubescent young girl, she thinks it will still work. I don't think it would so I escaped when I had the chance- "

" That's my Maria. "

Shadow side comments as he disables the traps one by one.

" But I think Ryan has it out for me. He had made his goons get me, and made me pretend that I died, so none of my family can question it. Stupid mistake. Look, listener, if you know Shadow, befriend him. I want both of you to find me as soon as possible. I don't know how long I can stand it here. "

Maria's begging weighed Shadow's heart down as the diary ended, making him sigh. He looks at the little cubby hole and set's Sonic's body down.

" Don't worry, by the end of this adventure, I'll make sure the both of you go to the surface safe and sound. "

Finding nothing, he grabs Sonic's body and heads out and down the stairs. Shooting the splicer dead at the bottom of the stairs and walks with confidence. He was going to save his Maria and make sure Sonic will never die a third, fourth, and so on time. Shadow gets frustrated when he couldn't find the Vita chamber. He was already near the main part of Arcadia and yet there wasn't a single god damn Vita chamber!? Making his way down, he stops when turquoise light hits him. Smiling, he sighs and places Sonic into the Vita chamber and slides down the glass doors once they close.

" Finally, you can come back. "

Shadow smiles before he realized he was blushing again along with his heartbeat getting faster. Looking at the peaceful face of the blue hedgehog, he stares with question.

" Why... Why do I feel like this for you? "

Sonic the Hedgehog: The Rise of RaptureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz